
Author Archives: tony

September 11, 2018

Best Mascara for You


A mascara that looks great on your friend won't necessarily look good on you - it all depends on your lashes.  There is an overwhelming array of mascaras on the market and each one makes bigger and better claims. Curved brushes promise long-lasting curl, combs guarantee Kate Moss-style lash definition and separation, and new formulas claim to help your lashes defy gravity. But which one is right for you?

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September 7, 2018

Fizzy drinks could become more than a pain in the neck in arthritis

We’ve known for a long time that obesity is bad for us, but a new report reveals that very overweight people are a staggering 14 times more likely to get osteoarthritis of the knee than those in a healthy weight range and fizzy carbonated drinks can speed up bone damage suffered by arthritis patients.

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Eating for health and beauty

The old saying ‘you are what you eat’ has never been truer when it comes to your skincare routine, but what essentials should you be including in your diet to achieve a healthy complexion?

Superfood is a buzz word in the nutrition field today but it is basically a food that is low in calories and high in nutrients. They are accessible in a variety of choices that you can find in your local supermarket. Superfoods are nutrient dense, so they are high in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

They have disease-fighting properties and by incorporating them into your diet you can reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. So one of the fastest ways you can immediately improve your health and beauty with more vitality is by crowding these superfoods into your diet.

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September 1, 2018

What to Eat for Healthy Skin and Hair

Food is nature's most powerful cosmetic. Eat well and your eyes, hair, skin and smile will glow like they've never glowed before. You are what you eat - not just on the inside, but on the outside, too. Eating the right foods can make your face glow in a way that not even the most luxurious beauty treatments can achieve.

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September 1, 2018

Hairloss (alopecia)

Thinning hair is increasingly becoming one of the biggest cosmetic issues for men and women around the world. Treatment is not necessary if you are comfortable with your appearance.  

If hair loss causes you anxiety and negatively affects your self-image, treatment can be beneficial. Organic shampoos only contain all natural ingredients, which means that it will not contain any harsh chemicals that can significantly damage your hair.

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August 20, 2018

Body Brushing and Healthy Skin

Dry body brushing is one of beauty's best-kept secrets. Do it regularly and you'll transform dry skin, reduce cellulite and tone up problem areas.

For that instant feel-good, look-good factor, body brushing is unbeatable. Just one three-minute session will make your skin feel noticeably smoother and your body feel invigorated from top to toe. Make it a regular part of your routine and you'll soon notice that your skin looks more toned and feels silkier than ever before.

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