
Author Archives: tony

September 18, 2018

Metabolism and Aging

How does your metabolism affect aging?

There is a great deal of conflicting information regarding metabolism, especially when it comes to delaying the effects of aging.

Metabolism is measured using your Base Metabolic Rate (BMR), which the amount of energy (calories) it takes to maintain your body at rest and enable you to live.

Simply, someone with a higher BMR will burn more calories during their day than someone with a lower BMR.

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September 17, 2018

Protecting your skin from the sun in your later years

Both male and females today continue to pursue ways to delay facial wrinkles and to give their complexions that looks healthy, vibrancy, and beautiful. In ancient times, youthful skin came about from herbal formulas.

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September 17, 2018

Romance Perfume by Ralph Lauren

Romance is a women's perfume fragrance that is made by Ralph Lauren.

Romance is a light scent with hints of rose, white violet, lotus flower and marigold.

A bit of musk and patchouli can also be detected in the fragrance, and this wonderful mixture of ingredients is said to exude the scent of love.

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September 17, 2018

Trésor Perfume by Lancôme

Tresor for women, by Lancome was first available for purchase in 1990. Lancome is a company based in Paris, France. Lancome specializes in creating beauty products for women, and among these products are perfumes.

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September 16, 2018

Daily Protection for your Skin

The single most important thing you can do to protect your skin is to reduce sun exposure. That means using sun screen, wearing protective clothing, and limiting your time outdoors when the sun is strongest.

Beyond that, there are steps you can take to manage the problems of aging skin

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September 15, 2018

Viral Skin Infection

What is A Viral Skin Infection? 

Viruses are microscopic parasites.

They can only multiply and reproduce inside a living cell of their host. Viral skin infections attack the cells of your skin, the largest organ of the human body.

Skin conditions caused by a virus may be mild or severe, and will almost always have a chance of reappearing, even after symptoms disappear.

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September 15, 2018

Resveratrol for Anti Aging

Resveratrol is an antioxidant commonly found in grapes but is also present in cocoa. It is an antioxidant proven to be one of the most potent for age-related health issues.

Resveratrol is produced by plants in the form of 'phytoalexin' which protects them from the adverse effects of ultraviolet light, climate change and infections from the environment. Lucky for us, these protective effects of resveratrol work for us too!

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