Tag Archives for " health "

November 18, 2018

Why Use A Tongue Scraper

It might sound gross to some to hear that your friends and family, as part of their personal cleanliness habits, scrape their tongues! 

Did you know that this is an ancient Ayurveda wellness practice 

If you really think about it, you brush your teeth and floss them, you clean your ears, and you blow your nose and pluck the eyebrows and even the hair from the nostril cavities.

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October 16, 2018

Intermittent therapeutic fasting regimen for health and longevity

Therapeutic fasting is defined as the controlled and voluntary abstinence from all calorie-containing food and drinks for a specified period.  

Fasting itself has been practiced for thousands of years and even referenced throughout the Bible, for spiritual insights and overall health. Ramaḍān, in Islam being the ninth month of the Muslim calendar and the holy month of fasting. (Journal of Insulin Resistance 2017)

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October 6, 2018

Understanding your skin type

Understanding your skin and its changing needs means you can develop a skin care routine that will keep it looking its best.  Babies and tiny children have perfect skin

It's soft, smooth and dewy, needing just a quick wipe to keep it fresh and clean.

But as you get older your skin changes and caring for it takes more time and effort.

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October 5, 2018

Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet buzz started years back and it took the world by storm – it managed to change the way people looked at eating and dieting. Becoming healthy can be a struggle and it can also be costly and that’s why people looked for quick and easy ways to get healthy.

The Paleo diet appealed and still appeals to millions of people because basically, it’s not really a diet, it’s a lifestyle of eating that the first Paleolithic people on earth used to eat – the way nature intended.

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September 30, 2018

Entering Menopause

As you age, there are some things that are inevitable and one of them would be menopause. For most women, this is a sign of getting old, but it is more than that.

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September 20, 2018

Start A Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle habits certainly help us live longer, that’s only natural. If we don’t abuse our bodies, we won’t wear them out as quickly as they might otherwise.

This is proven scientifically, as experts have found that if you improve your health at a cellular level, you are also improving your cellular age and reducing the rate of decline.

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