Category Archives for "Health"

November 9, 2018

Sugar Addiction is Sweet and Dangerous

Natural sugar occurs in many foods in varying amounts. Unnatural or added sugars are predominantly table sugar or sucrose and high fructose corn syrup. When these sugars are consumed over a period in higher amounts, they can have extremely damaging effects on your health.

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November 4, 2018

What causes insomnia

Insomnia is the term used to describe interference with normal sleep pat­terns. Symptoms of in­somnia include delays in falling asleep, waking dur­ing the night but eventual­ly going back to sleep, or waking very early in the morning before the sleep cycle has been completed.

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October 31, 2018

It is pumpkin time again

Halloween, the shops are full of Pumpkins during this seasonal period and to take advantage of the abundance of fresh pumpkins available.

It’s PUMPKIN time again!! why don’t you try these tasty treats.

Pumpkin coffee, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin pie, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin beer, pumpkin potato chips, and the list goes on.Continue reading

October 29, 2018

Tips To Help Prevent Colds and Flu

Some Easy Tips To Help Prevent Colds and Flu This Season to Give You The Edge

People are exposed to germs from flu and colds daily and knowing a few easy tips on how to avoid catching and even preventing the germs spread from a sneezing child in the classroom or a sick passenger on the flight will prevent this disease spreading to your family. Many will suggest that you get your seasonal flu shot to prevent the bug from taking hold of you.

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How to recharge your male sexual energy

Your sexual drive can stay high late in life, but often your energy for sex can diminish. Low energy not only affects your sex life but can carry over to other parts of your life, too. You can become apathetic, no longer find pleasure in favourite activities, and become more sedentary.

However, many of these issues related to lost sexual energy can be addressed. "Never think lack of energy means an end to your sex life, and there is nothing you can do about it," says Dr. Sharon Bober, director of the Harvard-affiliated Dana-Farber Sexual Health Program. "There are many strategies you can adopt to get back in the game."

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October 25, 2018

Adaptogens to Heal and Reduce Environmental Stress

Adaptogens have been part of the Ayurveda and Chinese herbal practices from ancient times – dating back thousands of years. The word ‘adaptogens’ got its name around 1947 from Dr. Nikolai Lazarev, a Russian scientist.

He wanted to find certain substances that would help the body to be able to adapt to emotional and physical stress. In ancient times, people would look to plants to get better, passing down the knowledge from one generation to the next.

Adaptogens have normalizing effects on the body, supporting the adrenal glands – glands which are responsible for our responses when we are under stress. When the adrenal glands are activated constantly by hectic stressful lives, they become exhausted.

Naturally, we want to live less stressful lives

– who doesn't

– right? 

But in today’s world, it is virtually impossible. 

Thank goodness for adaptogens which can help us to bounce back from constant stress and strain on our body, enabling us to get better sleep, better focus, improved memory, and more.

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