November 2, 2018

Female Intimate Health

Female Intimate Health – an extremely personal and private subject for most women. Yes, intellectually we know that despite that, we should be able to discuss it in an adult manner.


We are talking about an aspect of health, a very important part, yet for a great many women, talking to a doctor, even a woman doctor, about our vaginal health can be excruciatingly embarrassing.

Often seeking help or advice is avoided long beyond when the problem is noticed, which is rarely a good thing.

This article will discusses issues that most women wish would take care of themselves. Many of them can be overcome or managed with natural solutions, and that is a strong theme in this report.

You will realize that vaginal health is strongly tied to, and can be a marker, for all-round health. You will learn general lifestyle changes that will help maintain vaginal health, and specific remedies and tips for different problems.

However, it is not a replacement for medical advice or treatment, but it offers advice on natural solutions that may be all that is necessary or will assist any traditional treatment.

Yeast Infection Diet Tips – Foods to Avoid and Eat

A Candida yeast infection (Candidiasis) is caused by an overload of the type of yeast normally found in low levels in the body and is resident in the intestinal tract, skin, rectum, mouth and vagina.

Vaginal yeast infections are common among women and are caused by Candida albicans – tiny organisms that live on the skin and inside the vagina.

A healthy vagina is very acidic and the pH balance (pH is used to measure acidity or alkaline balance) of a vagina usually ranges between 3.8 and 4.5 (a measurement of 1 is extremely acidic and 14 is very low).

If the delicate PH balance of the vagina becomes less acidic, the vagina’s balance is disturbed, and an excess of yeast may occur, causing a yeast infection. Many situations can disturb the vagina’s balance.

Among the most common reasons for a vagina becoming less acidic are pregnancy, menstrual periods, certain types of antibiotics, diabetes, birth control pills and steroids.

Since yeast infections thrive when the vagina has an altered pH balance, diet becomes a big part of the plan to rid your body of the condition. When a Candida overgrowth occurs, your body may have difficult absorbing minerals and vitamins and producing enough digestive proteins.

A Candida diet can appear restrictive if your regular diet is based on processed foods and simple carbohydrates. Depending on your adherence, it may take months for the diet to take effect.

Good dietary practice is the most natural and effective way to overcome a yeast overgrowth, as disrupted pH balance was very likely a major contributor to the problem. If, after the problem is resolved, you lapse into poor eating habits again, the problem is likely to recur.

Making healthy diet habits a lifestyle choice rather than a temporary cure is the best way to prevent future problems.

yeast infection

Foods to Avoid

So, whether to fix the current problem or, better still, an ongoing habit, there are certain foods you’ll want to avoid such as:

  • Foods Containing Yeast – Bread, pastries and packaged foods.
  • Grains – Flake cereals and sprouted grain cereals, instant oatmeal, cornmeal and hominy grits.
  • Some Legumes – Beans and peas that contain sweeteners, vegetable protein and tofu.
  • Processed nuts and seeds.
  • Pasta.
  • Most Dairy.
  • Meats that may contain antibiotics and hormones. Also, smoked meats.
  • Fruit – No dried fruit. Fresh fruit is allowed (especially grapefruit).
  • Some Vegetables – Canned tomatoes, cucumber skins, mushrooms and carrots.
  • Beverages – Alcohol, coffee, tea, fruit juices, soft drinks and diet drinks.

Foods to Include

You can enjoy eating foods that include:

  • Certain Legumes – Beans, brown rice, millet, amaranth and quinoa.
  • Unprocessed nuts and seeds.
  • Beverages – Almond milk, coffee substitute (no malt), carbonated or plain water.
  • Vegetables – Spinach, tomatoes, kale, parsley, broccoli or cabbage.
  • Unprocessed Protein from animals – Seafood, chicken, deer, goose, pork and turkey.
  • Dairy - Plain yogurt with acidophilus culture.
  • Fruit – Fruits containing vitamin C help the white blood cells work to combat the infection. Grapefruit is especially helpful for suppressing a yeast infection.
  • Garlic – The healing power of garlic is good for most any type of infection and especially a yeast infection. It destroys yeast bacteria and helps prevent future infections.

The purpose of a Candida diet is formulated to provide no nourishment for the yeast organisms to live on.

Basically, you should try and eat a healthy diet, but limit your sugary and yeast-laden foods and be sure to drink lots of water.

Female Intimate Health

Natural Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis

Of all the types of infections that can affect the vagina, bacterial vaginosis is one of the common ones. It’s a mild infection compared to some of the others and is more likely to appear in sexually active women, and those who routinely have several sex partners. Women who smoke and douche are also more apt to get this type of vaginal infection.

Female Intimate Health

Bacterial vaginosis happens when the balance between good and bad bacteria is off kilter. Symptoms include a discharge and strong fishy smell, redness, tenderness and itching in the vagina.

Home Remedies

If you have this annoying condition, try some of the more effective home remedies to get rid of bacterial vaginosis:

  • Boric Acid Suppositories – Found in pharmacies or health food stores, a boric acid suppository will get rid of ammonia in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis uses ammonia to gather energy. You should get relief in the 14-day recommended regimen.
  • Tea Tree Oil – This natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis has powerful antifungal, antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components that offer a fast healing process. Simply put a few drops of tea tree oil on a tampon and insert into the vagina and do this twice daily.
  • Ajwain – An herb that also has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components that purify and clean away the toxins. Instructions for the remedy include placing some ajwain seeds on burning coals in a small dish, then squat over the fumes to let them enter the vagina.
  • Curd – The healthy bacteria in curd fights unhealthy bacteria. Use a tampon soaked in curd and insert into the vagina before bed. In the morning, wash the vagina with warm water.
  • Vitamins – Taking vitamin supplements such as A, C, D, E and B complex can help to rid the bacterial vaginosis condition.
  • Acidophilus Capsules or Powder – This is an oral, non-antibiotic treatment that’s very effective in treating bacterial vaginosis.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – This ageless remedy can help with many medical issues, including bacterial vaginosis. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal components that heal the condition quickly. Use equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar and douche with the solution until the problem is solved.
  • Vitamin E Cream – Use applications of vitamin E cream or powdered capsules to relieve itching around the vagina.

Be sure to purchase cleansing products that do not contain chemicals or perfumes. Instead, choose hypoallergenic body washes and soaps to keep the vagina clear of these irritating products.

Home remedies are a popular way of helping prevent recurring bacterial vaginosis and many women choose them over antibiotics. They’re safer and being all natural, your body can find relief from this irritating condition as nature intended.

Natural Remedies for Endometriosis

Endometriosis affects over five million women just in the United States and Canada – and many millions more in the rest of the world. It’s a chronic condition that is painful and both emotionally and physically debilitating.

The symptoms of endometriosis involve heavy and painful menstrual periods, fatigue, pain in the lower back and abdomen, and shooting pains in the legs. It may even cause infertility.

Female Intimate Health

Endometriosis usually begins when the tissue which lines the uterus begins to grow outside the uterus. It may spread to the ovaries, pelvic lining and fallopian tubes and can also spread outside those areas, such as the bowels.

Natural Solutions For Endometriosis 

If you’re diagnosed with endometriosis, there are several natural remedies you may want to try. Among these are:

  • Natural Progesterone Cream – Progesterone can reduce the growth of endometrial tissue that is abnormal and may improve symptoms such as painful menstrual cycles and pelvic pain. Apply natural progesterone cream to the upper chest, wrists, inner thighs and inner arms. Beware that it can also cause side effects such as water retention, weight gain and depression.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Can relieve pain by decreasing the prostaglandin E2 levels – an inflammatory chemical. Omega 3’s can be obtained by eating such fish as sardines, salmon and anchovies can also be found in fish oil capsules, which also contain EPA and DHA, two compounds which help the reduction of prostaglandin E2.
  • Hydrotherapy – A contrast sitz bath may help relieve symptoms of endometriosis. It involves sitting in a tub of hot (not uncomfortable) water for three minutes, then sit in another tub of cool water for a minute. Repeat three times.
  • Reduce Cortisol (stress hormone) – Too much stress in your life produces more of the cortisol hormone which can cause a decrease in the progesterone levels in your body. That could result in a hormone imbalance and the onset of endometriosis. Herbs and mineral such as B and C vitamins, magnesium and zinc – plus stress reductions techniques like relaxation response and meditation can help reduce cortisol levels.
  • Ginger Tea – A hot cup of ginger tea can relieve menstrual cramps and some other symptoms of endometriosis. The ginger root relaxes the intestinal tract and is a good source of antioxidants which reduces inflammation. Ginger tea may also relieve the nausea that often accompanies endometriosis.

Endometriosis and Your Hormones

Alternative medicine considers endometriosis a disease related to hormone issues. The body may not be producing enough progesterone or producing too much estrogen. Hormones can often be balanced with the right herbal mixtures and placing emphasis on a proper diet.

A diet consisting of high-fat dairy, meat and fish containing PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) and dioxins may contribute to a hormonal balance.

Foods that help prevent endometriosis include Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and kale. To relieve pain associated with endometriosis, try herbs such as valerian, black haw, wild yam and crampbark.

If you suspect you have endometriosis, seek a diagnosis from your health care provider and ask what natural remedy they suggest would be best for you.

Natural Remedies for Vaginal Odor

Although vaginal odor is a common occurrence among women, it’s one that can be embarrassing. There may be several reasons for a vaginal odor problem – the menstrual cycle, bacterial infection, improper hygiene or a sexually transmitted disease.

Vaginal Odor: Female Intimate Health

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​All women have vaginal flora which contains various types of microaerophilic bacteria, one of which is lactobacilli. Lactobacilli fights vaginal infections and to help balance the acidic level in the surrounding tissues of the vagina.

When this area of the vagina is subjected to extreme douching, perfumed soaps and tight clothing there is more of a risk of developing infections. These infections may lead to itching and burning around the vagina and an unpleasant odor.

Food habits which include alcohol, yeast, cheeses and sweets could also be the cause of vaginal odor and that is easily remedied by modifying the diet to include more foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids. Salmon, tuna, flaxseeds and nuts can boost your immune system and prevent infections which can cause vaginal odor.

When the pH balance of the vaginal flora causes vaginal odor, there are some natural remedies you can try that may restore the balance. One of the best remedies is to consume plain, non-sweet, organic yogurt which is high in lactobacilli. This is a natural approach to restoring the balance of vaginal pH levels which will, in turn, help to control vaginal odor.

Some other natural remedies include:

  • Garlic – Adding garlic to your diet plan is both a healthy and effective way to control vaginal odor. It’s a powerful antibiotic that also adds flavor to your food.
  • Tea Tree Oil – This herbal remedy for vaginal odor has been used for centuries as an antibacterial and antifungal treatment. Tea tree oil can penetrate the skin to heal infections in the vagina. If purchased in concentrated form, mix a small amount with some water and apply to the vaginal area.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – You can restore the pH balance in the vaginal flora and eliminate toxins by soaking in bath water treated with two cups of apple cider vinegar – a natural antibacterial remedy.
  • Neem Bark – You can apply neem bark extract topically to the vagina or take supplements. Neem bark encourages the white blood cells to fight infections with its antibiotic properties.
  • Probiotic Supplements – Probiotic supplements such as Fenamole can treat vaginal odor by replenishing the vaginal flora’s natural beneficial bacteria. This treatment helps to fight vaginal infections and prevent vaginal odor.
  • Water – One of the best and most natural ways to prevent vaginal odor is to drink plenty of water. Water flushes out bacteria and other toxins such as sugar which yeast infections feed on.

A woman’s vaginal odor is constantly changing because of many natural events happening in the body. If a foul vaginal odor persists even after you’ve tried the natural remedies, it may be because of a problem other than those mentioned.

Natural remedies for a vaginal odor let you cure the problem in privacy and can prevent embarrassment. Choose the one that is best for your condition.

Natural Remedies for Vaginal Discharge

A vaginal discharge may be accompanied by burning, itching and pain from a vaginal infection caused by either a bacterial, fungal or parasitic condition, in and around the vaginal area.

Types of vaginal infections include yeast infections and vaginitis.

vaginal infection

Whatever the infection, vaginal discharge usually occurs. There may be other symptoms such as pain during intercourse, redness and irritation in the vaginal area, foul or fishy odor, swelling in the vaginal area and burning while urinating.

There may also be an abnormal vaginal discharge that resembles cottage cheese and is originally white but turns yellow when it’s exposed to air. Estrogen levels during the menstrual cycle usually determine the color and amount of discharge that occurs.

Other causes for vaginal discharge may be hormonal imbalance, irritants from spermicidal sponges, tampons, condoms, douches, fragrances and more. Certain STDs may also cause vaginal discharge – and Trichomoniasis (Trich), a sexually transmitted infection (such as gonorrhea) may be the culprit.

Vaginal Discharge Natural Methods

Fortunately, there are natural methods that can help get rid of a vaginal discharge and most target the rebalancing of the flora in the vagina. Some may contain Lactobacillus – the healthy bacteria – and may also contain herbal ingredients.

There are natural remedies in the form of suppositories, oral tablets and gel creams. They can be found in natural health stores.

Here are some natural remedies you may want to consider if you’re bothered by vaginal discharge:

  • Yogurt – Plain yogurt can restore the pH balance of the vagina and soothe irritation that often accompanies an infection. A tampon (without applicator) can be dipped in yogurt and inserted in the vagina, and repeated for several nights.
  • Coconut Oil – A natural topical antibacterial that’s been used in India for centuries. Dip a non-applicator tampon in coconut oil that’s been warmed and insert into the vagina, repeating for several nights in a row.
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil – Medically approved in Italy to treat yeast infections that may cause discharge. Add about 10 drops of tea tree oil to a bath or container and soak the pelvic area. Repeat the routine for 4 to 5 nights.
  • Olive Oil – Use this oil just as you would tea tree essential oil.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Mix a tablespoon of vinegar and a quart of water and wash the vaginal area to restore the vagina’s pH balance.

You can also protect the vagina from becoming out of balance and causing vaginal discharge by taking some preventative measures such as adhering to a healthy diet plan with plenty of fruits, vegetables and grain. Also, drink lots of water and avoid foods with high yeast and sugar content.

Maintain good hygiene habits for a healthy vagina. That means you should keep your vagina clean, wash hands frequently and take a tea tree oil bath a couple of times per week. Avoid sharing soap and towels with other family members. Wear dry and loose underwear and pants and wear cotton rather than synthetic fabrics.

Natural remedies for a vaginal discharge are inexpensive and readily available and there are many techniques to choose from.

Signs Your Vagina is Unhealthy

Your vagina is an organ that you must keep healthy to ensure that your entire body is healthy. There are some warning signs to look for when your vagina has an infection or another type of problem that you should address right away.

Discharge from the vagina is normal – and healthy. It carries the dead cells and unwanted toxins and bacteria and prevents dryness and infections. When your vagina is in ill-health of course it can be uncomfortable and disconcerting, but it can also affect your sexual life by slowing your libido and affecting your fertility.

Long-term vaginal problems may affect relationships, cause stress and lower your self-esteem. An unhealthy vagina also makes you more apt to develop vaginal yeast infections.

Some warning signs that your vagina is unhealthy include:

  • Odorous Discharge – When you notice a foul odor from your vagina (fishy smell), it could indicate an infection is present. The foul-smelling discharge may take place after intercourse. A healthy discharge from the vagina is clear or white and helps to keep the vagina lubricated.
  • Bleeding Between Periods – If you experience bleeding in between your regular menstrual cycle or if your period lasts longer than usual, you may have a problem within your vagina.
  • Itching/Burning – Annoying itching and burning sensations in and around the vagina may indicate the presence of a vaginal infection. Itching and burning may also be caused by the chemicals and other ingredients contained in soap, contraceptive products, some douching products and creams.
  • Vaginal Atrophy – This warning sign happens when your body isn’t producing enough estrogen, causing the vagina to become thin and inflamed. Painful intercourse may indicate vaginal atrophy. Vaginal atrophy often happens after menopause and may contribute to urinary tract infections.
  • Blisters or Bumps on the Outer Vagina – This may be a sign of vulvar or vaginal cancer. Sometimes, the bumps may change color and become hard or turn into a lesion. They may also indicate the presence of an STD such as herpes.
  • Painful Urination – If you experience painful urination, you may have a yeast or bacterial infection. It may also be a sign of various types of STDs such as genital herpes and chlamydia.

As with most ill-health or disease, the best prevention or cure will be in creating and maintaining an environment which supports health. Preventing an overgrowth of the organisms that contribute to vaginal ill-health is most efficiently addressed by a combination of god diet and personal cleanliness.

All women should strive to keep the vagina healthy by practicing good hygiene – just as they would for other parts of the body. Since the vagina is located near the anus and is also exposed to urination, it’s critical to keep bacteria buildup from happening.

Women can keep the vagina healthy and clean by washing the vagina thoroughly, including the folds of the labia where bacteria builds up quickly.

Keeping the vagina very clean, eating healthy and cutting down stress in your life can help to balance the vagina and keep infections at bay.

If you continually experience vaginal infections and other problems, especially after addressing the above, you may need to ask for medical advice.

Exercises for a Healthy Vagina

All parts of the body benefit from exercise – and the vagina is an organ in the body which can benefit from certain types of exercises. Of course, keeping the entire body fit and streamlined is good for your entire body – including the vagina.

There are strength and endurance exercises expressly for the vagina, just as there are exercises for you to have tighter abs and core. Certain exercises for the vagina can help to keep problems away that often come with age.

One type of exercise you can practice for the benefit of the vagina is Kegel. These exercises target the pubococcygeus (muscle found in the pelvic area) muscle and the other pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are like the other muscles in your body and can be trained and strengthened.

The muscles around the vagina become weaker from giving birth and growing older. When they’re strengthened by practicing exercises such as Kegel, you’ll be far less likely to experience urinary incontinence. You will also be enabling greater sexual pleasure, for you and your partner. The steps of Kegel exercises include:

  • Know how to find your pelvic floor muscles – You can do this by pretending to halt the urination process in midstream. The muscles needed to perform this action are those targeted by Kegel exercises.
  • Tighten the muscles – Tighten the pelvic floor muscles and hold them tight for a few seconds, then release. Perform this exercise 15 times.
  • Practice Kegel exercises regularly – Keep practicing the Kegel exercises above each day and try to hold the muscles tight for longer periods of time and add more repetitions.

Sexual activity and pleasure not only benefit the vagina, but your entire body – and mind. You can practice the Kegel exercises as you’re having sex.

Besides Kegel exercises there are other ways to keep the vagina healthy and strong.  Another way to strengthen your vagina is to use a vibrator on a regular basis to achieve orgasm.

Vaginal cones, ben wa balls, jade eggs and vaginal barbells are also great ways to exercise the vagina and gain more pleasure for yourself.

Pay attention to strength-training for your core and lower body too. Pelvic floor exercises are like Kegel exercises for improving and strengthening your lower body and becoming more fit to ensure a healthy vagina.

Regular exercise also helps the vagina to remain healthy. When your overall body is in good shape and you eat a healthy diet, your organs work as they should. As you age, certain changes may take place in and around the vagina that may cause uncomfortable sex because of dryness and/or lesions and scars from childbirth.

All muscles decline with lack of use. Regular stretching and exercise of the pelvic area will improve mobility and reduce discomfort from not only sex, but simply moving around.

Kegel exercises will help almost any condition concerning your vagina, but if the problem is because of an infection, take steps to clear up the infection. Sex keeps the vagina healthy and if you neglect it the vaginal wall may become thin and fragile.

Kegel exercises

Restore Vaginal pH Balance Naturally​​​​

When your vaginal pH balance is disturbed you may experience such maladies as vaginal infections, cramping during menstrual cycles, viral illnesses, abnormal sensitivity, inflammation and acne.

Different parts of the body have different pH ‘normal’ ranges. When the pH level moves beyond this, either becoming too alkaline or too acidic, ill-health results. This is often because the imbalance creates an environment where beneficial organisms are inhibited, and dangerous ones thrive.

pH Imbalance Usually System-wide

When this occurs, disease follows. This is not limited to only vaginal health.  Unbalanced pH has been implicated in severe conditions such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and even strokes.

Before pH imbalance causes problems for you, adjust your lifestyle to incorporate a healthy diet and exercise routine. Just a few changes can make a difference in achieving optimal health of your body – including your vagina.

If one part of your body has a pH imbalance, it is almost certain that the rest of the body will be imbalanced also. If you are suffering through symptoms that indicate that your vaginal pH is not as it should be, this is a strong indication that you should make system-wide changes.

If you only focus on clearing up the specific condition, without addressing the underlying cause (in this case imbalanced pH levels), you will:

  • Must employ stronger and less natural remedies, often with unwanted side effects.
  • Find the condition recurring, sometimes quickly when the medication is ceased.
  • Have other health conditions, now or later because of the imbalance.

Restoring Correct pH Balance

An imbalanced pH in often the result of imbalanced inputs. An excess of any one type of food that results in a lack or suppression of any needed nutrient can cause this. Of course, if the excess is of something that is not beneficial to health the effects will be multiplied.

Restoring Correct pH Balance

Some changes you can make to help restore your body’s, and therefore your vagina’s pH balance is:

  • Fruits and Vegetables – Adding a variety of fruits and vegetables to your diet can promote health bacteria and that can help to control pH levels. Kale and spinach and all dark, green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, beets and raspberries help balance pH levels.
  • Take a Multivitamin – Vitamins and minerals from food is the ideal, but the reality is most of us don’t get enough nutrition in our daily diet plans. Taking a multivitamin with essential vitamins and minerals can boost healthy bacteria and restore the pH balance.
  • Take a Daily Oral Probiotic Lactobacillus – Pro-B and other natural probiotic products have been proven to help maintain a normal number of lactobacilli in the vagina.
  • Coconut and Tea Tree Oil – You can use natural coconut oil by soaking a non-applicator tampon and inserting it in your vagina at night. Tea Tree essential is used to treat yeast infections and can also keep your vagina’s pH balance in check. Soak in a sitz bath to which about 10 drops of tea tree oil has been added.
  • Distilled Vinegar Solution – Wash your vagina with a solution of one tablespoon vinegar added to a quart of water. Use a squirt bottle to apply the solution to the area around the vagina.
  • Wear Comfortable Clothing – The vagina’s pH balance can be affected if you wear synthetic and/or tight clothing. Cotton is best for undergarments and wear loose-fitting clothes.

There are other causes for the vagina’s pH balance to be off-kilter, including hormone imbalance and irritating soaps and other products used around the vagina.

If you notice abnormal discharges or a foul odor from the vagina, it may be that your pH balance needs to be restored.

Address the situation immediately to avoid other complications.

Top 7 Foods to Improve Vaginal Health

Your diet affects every organ in your body – including the vagina. If your diet isn’t balanced, the body will respond with illnesses and other unwanted reactions.

In the vagina, this may present as a yeast infection.

There are a few foods that can help to keep the pH in your vagina balanced and keep your vagina healthy. 

These don’t simply target vaginal health, they help the whole body. But if you are exhibiting signs of vaginal problems, this is an indication that action needs to be taken.

The top foods are those that contain probiotics – or good bacteria.

The good bacteria are what keep your vagina from developing multiple infections.

Here are seven of the power foods you should consume for a healthy vagina:

  • Greek Yogurt – Plain, Greek yogurt contains the good bacteria that your vagina needs to stay healthy. These bacteria (probiotics) play a large part of regulating moods, keeping your weight at a healthy point and keeping the pH level in the vagina balanced.
  • Fish – Fish such as salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids which promote good circulation in the body. A healthy blood flow also helps your sex drive. Recent research also indicates that women who have a diet rich in omega-3s were much less likely to suffer from endometriosis than those who did not.
  • Cranberries – Are renowned for their gynecological health benefits, due to their A-type proanthocyanidins content – or PAC. Since cranberry juice is high in sugar, many women opt to take cranberry juice pills. One pill equals two 8-ounce servings of cranberry juice. Cranberry juice helps the vagina by balancing the pH levels.
  • Flax Seeds – This natural source of phytoestrogens can help promote lubrication of the vagina and keep it healthy. The phytoestrogens also increase estrogen levels, important to maintaining a healthy vagina.
  • Sweet Potatoes – This is one ‘sweet’ that you can gain nutrition from. They’re rich in vitamin-A which keeps the vagina healthy by strengthening the muscle tissues to develop strong vaginal walls.
  • Spinach – Rich in magnesium, spinach helps to decrease inflammatory blood vessels and improves circulation. A healthy blood flow is good for the vagina and for the sex drive.
  • Broccoli – Studies recently found that this powerful vegetable can lower the risk of ovarian cancer by almost half – an amazing find. Broccoli (along with some other veggies) contains flavonoid kaempferol which is instrumental in fighting cancers.

A diet that’s balanced and rich with vitamins and minerals can make a huge difference to your overall health – including the vagina.

Do not forget to drink plenty of water. 

Enough water intake is one of the best things you can do for your vagina.

When you drink enough water, you’ll help lubrication and help toxins be released in secretions. It also has a big impact on balancing pH levels in the vagina. Also, water means water – not soft drinks, milk drinks or coffee. Don’t include these when counting your water intake for the day.

Vaginal Hygiene

There are tons of feminine hygiene products on the market today. Advertisers are constantly telling women they should douche, spray feminine deodorant around the vagina and how they can benefit from their products.

However, the vagina is easy to keep clean without purchasing a myriad of hygiene products. Vaginal hygiene techniques are mostly common sense, but many would rather try high-priced products than rely on simple, yet more effective forms of hygiene. 

Some tips include:

  • Vaginal Self-cleansing – You may not know that the natural discharge secreted from your vagina is a natural cleansing agent that helps to protect you against infections.
  • If you wash the vagina excessively, douche or use perfumed or chemical-laden soaps or cleansers, you’ll destroy the protective shield of the vagina and may experience pain and odor.
  • To keep the vagina clean, rinse the external area around the vagina with warm water and mild soap.
  • Dealing with Odor – Every woman’s vagina has its own natural smell that’s healthy and natural. If you notice a strong scent or fish smell emitting from the vagina, you may have an infection such as bacterial vaginosis.
  • Most doctors will prescribe antibiotics for this condition, but there are also natural ways to overcome most infections and restore the vagina’s delicate pH balance, which is usually a major contributor.
  • Hygiene During the Menstrual Cycle – The vagina has its own natural way of cleaning itself after the menstrual period, but some women feel they need to douche to feel cleaner.
  • Many times, douching pushes bacteria and other toxins into the reproductive tract and causes pelvic inflammatory disease – a very painful condition. Pads and tampons that are scented may also lead to infections, so always use unscented products.
  • Wear Proper Clothing – The moist, dark area of the vagina must have air flow to prevent infections and other conditions. If there is no air flow, fungi and bacteria may form and multiply within the folds of skin.
  • Wear cotton undergarments or at least purchase those that have cotton crotch linings. Leather pants and synthetic spandex keep the vagina area from getting enough air flow – and wet bathing suits shouldn’t be worn for a long period of time.
  • Practice Safe Sex – Bacteria can enter the vagina during sex and cause many serious conditions such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, herpes and genital warts – and HIV.
  • Protect your vagina from contracting these debilitating infections by using condoms when you have sex. Some of these infections and diseases may contribute to incidences of sterility, cancer and other problems.
  • Cleanse After Urinating – Be sure to properly clean the area around the vagina after urinating. The acid contained in urine can cause irritation that might lead to other problems such as infections and discomfort.

Maintain a regimen of feminine hygiene to enhance your overall health and prevent infections, odors, itching and other discomforts that could arise.


It should be obvious that vaginal health is very strongly aligned to the state of health the whole body is in. Certainly, some infections are dependent upon being introduced, and prevention is key.

Unfortunately, too many women attribute any vaginal condition to a lack of cleanliness and feel unclean and embarrassed as a result. This can result in too great a focus on physical and abrasive cleansing and over-application of pharmaceutical products.

For many conditions, the environment can be the biggest factor. With vaginal health, as with total well-being, the biggest influencers are lifestyle aspects, such as diet, exercise and indulgences such as alcohol and tobacco consumption.

The big take-away is that almost every woman has a very large degree of control over her personal, private health. The most effective solutions are usually holistic, rather than specific.

All material on and in this article are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. The content of this article (text, graphics, and images) is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.


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