September 29, 2018

Increase Female Fertility Naturally

If you are one of the many women who have fertility problems, you will almost certainly be seeking ways to increase your fertility naturally.

There are many ways you can!

Here are just 3 steps to start with.


Emotional Freedom Technique - Tap your positive senses through EFT.

Emotional Freedom Technique is one of the most helpful alternative therapies that a woman can use to boost her fertility. It is a therapy of ‘tapping’ key trigger points to ease physical and emotional issues.

‘Tap’ weekly or even daily if you want to maintain a positive physical and mental state.

If you feel you are subject to a lot of stress, EFT is very helpful for lowering your stress levels which can subsequently cause fertility problems.

Learn more about EFT and how you can better use it to empower yourself to conquer any negative emotions that might impact your ability to conceive.

Remove those psychological blocks that prevent healthy fertility by tapping specific points on your body. Tap away past traumas, negative beliefs about your ability to conceive and other negative issues about parenthood.

This will help ensure that your mind and body are in a positive state and ready to conceive.

Diet - Healthy and nutritious.

A balanced diet is necessary for regulating hormones and for nourishing your entire reproductive system.

Every woman wanting to conceive must bear in mind that any disease will affect her ability to conceive.

Optimal health is your number one goal and a major prerequisite to fertility.

Eat more whole foods and steer clear of all junk foods.

Your daily diet must consist of foods that are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants which are helpful for reducing stress on the reproductive organs and egg cells.

Cut back on your caffeine intake and avoid alcoholic drinks.

Avoid those foods that may contain xenoestrogens which are environmental chemicals commonly found in pesticides.

These chemicals may cause an imbalance in your hormones which can adversely affect your fertility.

Weight Control - Keep a healthy weight.

Being underweight or overweight can significantly impact your chances of falling pregnant. Women who are underweight, with a BMI that is lower than 19 kg/M2 are four times at risk of having difficulty conceiving compared to women of normal weight with a BMI of at least 19 to 24 kg/M2.

Those who are overweight may also experience difficulties in trying to fall pregnant as having excess fats in the body can mean an insulin resistance, even if you are not diagnosed with type 

2 diabetes.

A diet high in carbohydrates can pose problems regarding insulin functioning and can disrupt your menstruation cycle.

Your estrogen hormones are produced from fat cells so it may cause problems in your ovaries, while perhaps preventing egg release on a regular monthly basis.

Massage - Harness the power of fertility massage.

Although massage is not a common therapy for trying to fall pregnant, fertility massage is another natural and safe way of helping you conceive.

Its ability to increase circulation to the uterus, eggs, and ovaries make it very helpful for boosting a woman’s fertility rate.

Fertility massage also helps in transporting fresh oxygen-rich blood to your reproductive system and to other important areas of your body.

However, do not take a fertility massage or uterine massage while you are having your menstruation period or if you have any suspicion that you could already be pregnant.

Don’t just let anyone perform this kind of massage either.

If you are interested in trying this therapy, look for a massage therapist who specializes in fertility massage.

Approximately million women in the United States are affected by infertility if you are trying to get pregnant you know how disappointing it can be every month to get a negative pregnancy test but before assuming that you have no other option than vitro fertilization it's really important to rule out some of the very common and treatable causes of infertility.

today we are presenting the five possible reasons why you are not getting pregnant and what you should do about it

number one you don't ovulate five to ten percent of women are affected by polycystic ovary syndrome which can cause irregular menstrual cycles and increase in male hormones

it's one of the most common reasons for women's infertility also your ovulation can be affected by being overweight obese or underweight or having a thyroid imbalance

according to many doctors a great way to improve your ovulation rate is to have a healthy weight it's also important to be screened for polycystic ovary syndrome and rule out other medical conditions

if you already know you have problems on your ovulation consult with your doctor as it is curable with medicines

number two

maybe it's his problem up to a third of infertility cases caused by male infertility if your husband is overweight obese or a smoker your chances of getting pregnant could be affected doctors also sometimes suggest that an infection or inflammation of the prostate glands might also be the cause to cure male infertility

losing weight and quitting smoking are key your husband should see a doctor for a physical and a semen analysis depending on his problem doctors may suggest medication intrauterine insemination or IVF number

three you don't have enough healthy eggs women are born with a fixed number of eggs but the number and health effects declines as women get older according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine a healthy and fertile 30 year old has only a 20% chance of getting pregnant each month

what should you do to produce healthy egg get to a healthy weight as soon as you can and if you smoke quit now you can also use a donor rag to solve the problem

number four endometriosis endometriosis is a disorder that affects 30 to 50 percent of women

it causes the lining of the uterine cavity to appear in the abdominal cavity which can cause painful periods heavy bleeding and infertility

with endometriosis getting pregnant is a real challenge so you should seek medical treatment as soon as you plan to get pregnant

if your fallopian tubes are open clomid a medication that causes you to ovulate in combination with IUI is the best approach

if you've been trying for three months or your tubes are blocked IVF might be the best option number five maybe your fallopian tubes are blocked few do factor accounts for almost 35% of infertility cases when the fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged

cubile factor occurs reasons of tubal factor infertility can be a previous surgery endometriosis or an STD

for pregnancy you have to make sure that the tubes are open otherwise there is no way for sperm and egg to communicate your doctor can screen for tubal factor with an x-ray and if the tubes are blocked IVF is the best treatment

what's causing your infertility let us know in the comment box below also please share and subscribe to get more health tips and natural remedies every day

thank you for seeing the video subscribe now to get videos like this every day
Rebekah: Hey guys.

It’s Bex here and I am here with the lovely Alisa Vitti in her apartment in New York City, surrounded by baby things.

Alisa: Yes.

Rebekah: The last time you were on Bex Life, you were not pregnant. I was not pregnant and we were talking about birth control.

Alisa: Right, and why we should all get off of it. Rebekah: Hey guys.

It’s Bex here and I am here with the lovely Alisa Vitti in her apartment in New York City, surrounded by baby things.

Alisa: Yes.

Rebekah: The last time you were on Bex Life, you were not pregnant. I was not pregnant, and we were talking about birth control.

Alisa: Right, and why we should all get off it.

Rebekah: We didn’t take it and look what happened to us.

Alisa: Well, this was by planning, yes.

Rebekah: And this was by planning too.


That’s right.

Rebekah: I’m really excited because I’m 36 and you’re 37.

Alisa: And look at how young and gorgeous we look.

Rebekah: I know.

We are gorgeous!

Alisa: Gorgeous.

Rebekah: Healthy, vibrant. We are of advanced maternal age. I can hardly get the words out.

Alisa: Technically speaking, yes.

Rebekah: It’s so gross. I hate – I don’t even like saying that.

Alisa: I know, I know.

Rebekah: We only advanced in intellect and beauty, really.

Alisa: Amen. Love it. Love it!

Rebekah: But a lot of our girlfriends are having babies, having their first babies.

This is your first.

This is my fifth. I’m not the norm and they’re having trouble and girlfriends our age and girlfriends younger than us and their men.

Alisa: Yes.

Rebekah: What’s going on?

Alisa: I think it’s a growing and somewhat for whatever reason silent epidemic, this rise in infertility, both male and female infertility, and what is termed idiopathic meaning no known cause. So you go.

You have your checkup.

Everything looks normal.

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to make the baby. But you can’t. In my ten plus years now of working with couples and individuals on their fertility, there are three reasons that I see that are kind of at the core of why people are not able to have that reproductive capacity and that fertile window be as big and wide as it should be, right?

Because you’re really – the whole reason by the way why the pill was such a good thing back 50 years ago,

60 years ago when it came out was because women were having their eighth, ninth baby at 45 because there was no way to prevent additional pregnancies and they were fertile, perfectly fertile well into their 40s.

Now we have women struggling in their mid to late 20s.

So what has changed?

Here’s what I think has changed.

One, we’re being exposed to way more chemicals than we ever have been before.

The statistic that I have just read about is that your grandparents’ generation was exposed to chemicals over the course of their lifetime that you are exposed to in a 30-day period.

You’re exposed to more chemicals in 30 days than they were their entire lives.

Rebekah: That’s so scary.

Alisa: And these chemicals of course are endocrine disruptive which means they’re really messing with your fertility.

So that’s reason number one.

Reason number two is that we are micronutrient deficient in ways that we just are not realizing. We’re eating like different kinds of diets.

We’re cutting out big macronutrients.

We’re taking away food groups altogether.

Rebekah: Have you been looking at my Instagram?

Alisa: I haven’t.

Rebekah: OK, good.

Alisa: Like cutting – are you cutting things out?

Rebekah: I’m not. I’m adding a lot of things in. But …

Alisa: Good, good.

Rebekah: A lot of ice cream.

Alisa: Maybe that could be its own pregnancy food group although cravings during pregnancy point to underlying micronutrient deficiencies.

Everybody is asking me what kind of cravings I’m having during this pregnancy.

I’m having no cravings because for the year prior to conceiving, I put myself on my own regime, right?

To really beef up all the micronutrients I would need to do this pregnancy as effortlessly as possible, right?

So there is this whole micronutrient deficiency that’s preventing us from making adequate levels of hormones and that’s prematurely aging women, right?

Rebekah: Wow.

Alisa: So there’s this aspect as well and the third underlying cause I think really has to do with the fact that we’re not living a lifestyle that really allows us to really be in harmony with our cycles and everything that allows us to be –

Rebekah: How do you mean?

Alisa: Well, I talk so much about a pro-hormonal diet, right?

Eating in a way that syncs up with the different hormonal ratios that you have each month.

So can you imagine if you were optimizing that balance of estrogen and progesterone throughout the month?

You could have no PMS. You could get pregnant easily.

Rebekah: I know.

You talked about this in the other video, what you said about PMS, and it’s like I believe you.

Alisa: Once you learn how to do it, it’s the most – it’s like a no-brainer. But I think these are the reasons why we’re sort of all struggling now with our reproductive capacity.

Rebekah: So what can we do?

Alisa: What can we do?

Well, certainly there’s no magic pill that’s going to fix us, right?

There’s no magic bullet.

There’s no pill in a bottle or supplement in a bottle …

Rebekah: We can’t live in a bubble.

Alisa: We can’t live in a bubble and we can’t detox every single day.

So it’s really about a process and it’s about as much time as you can give yourself, leading up to when you think you really want to be creating a new person, right?

Rebekah: OK.

Alisa: Give yourself as much lead time as you can to prepare your body.

So first and foremost, take out whatever chemicals you can. Look at what you’re doing to clean up your skin care regime. Try not to golf so often if you’re a golfer.

Rebekah: What’s happening in golf?

Alisa: Oh my god. Poor men, they’re all – not to say that only men golf.

But if you have a partner who’s having difficulty with his sperm quality, his morphology, his motility and he’s a golfer, he’s spending days and days on the golf course in the sun, sweating, right?

He’s exposed to – those lawns don’t look like that on the golf course by accident, right?

The pesticides that they use are pretty gnarly.

So anywhere you can, reduce your exposure.

Rebekah: Cleaning products.

Alisa: Skin care products. Rebekah: Your food especially.

Alisa: And go organic certainly. But then from a specific food standpoint, I’m going to talk about two key macronutrients and then I want to talk about three herbs that I love.

Rebekah: OK.

Alisa: OK, first thing is hormones are manufactured from amino acids. If you’re not eating some form of protein that your body can digest, that your body can digest – some of us think we can just digest pea protein.

Maybe you can.

Maybe you’re not.

If you’re not getting the hormonal results you want, and you’re doing that, you may need to vary –

Rebekah: Try something else.

Alisa: Yeah.

So really look at the amino acids you’re taking in because all your hormones are manufactured from that, period, end of story. I don’t care what else you’re doing.

Second thing is you need good quality, essential fatty acids for those hormones that are made to actually be transported around your body through the blood stream.

Rebekah: Anything that has fat in it, I’m a fan.

Alisa: Right?

Rebekah: Oh, yeah!

Alisa: Avocados, coconut oil, good olive oil, sunflower seed butter. Rebekah: OK. Alisa: Delicious.

Anything you can do to get these types of super clean essential fatty acids in the diet is great. So, there are two kinds of food groups I really want women to focus on because these are the ones we tend to go low on.

Rebekah: We avoid because we’re afraid of calories or …

Alisa: Right.

Rebekah: … things like that.

Alisa: Right.

But if you do it right –

Rebekah: Not me, but …

Alisa: If you do it right, it doesn’t end up having you gain weight.

In fact once you get your hormones balanced, your weight naturally stabilizes where it should be and that’s kind of a nice relief.

The three herbs that I love really to address some of the underlying reasons why your endocrine system might not be working.

So, the first one is cinnamon.

So that’s a spice.

You can think of it as an herb or a spice. That helps stabilize your blood sugar which allows ovulation to happen on a regular basis.

If you’re messing with your blood sugar all day, ovulation is going to start to become erratic and then despite all your best efforts to have all the sex, it’s just not going to work out, right?

Rebekah: You didn’t hear my creation story.

My three attempts of getting pregnant.

Thank goodness it happened the first month because the third time I was sleeping.

So cinnamon on ice cream.

Alisa: Cinnamon everywhere you can get it, cinnamon tea.

The next herb that I really love is Vitex.

Vitex is an herb.

It’s one of the oldest herbs on the planet.

Rebekah: Never heard of it.

Alisa: Also known as Chaste Tree Berry and it is a really amazing herb because it’s one of the only herbs that works on the pituitary gland which is located in the middle of your brain and this gland is sort of the master communicator to all the other glands in the endocrine system.

So it really has this indirect effect of boosting progesterone levels.

So oftentimes one of the side effects of premature hormonal aging due to micronutrient deficiencies that we manufacture less progesterone because we start perimenopause sooner and we do it faster.

We go through it faster.

So progesterone, getting that level up, Vitex can really help with that.

The third herb that I really love to help again with the whole process of ovulation and all your hormonal balance is ashwagandha.

It’s an adaptogens that helps the adrenals respond to stress because when cortisol levels are high, this other key hormone called DHEA becomes suppressed and DHEA is another hormone by which we manufacture progesterone and you need all the progesterone you can get to maintain a pregnancy.

That’s often the problem why there are miscarriages and things of that nature.

Rebekah: Ashwagandha sounds like a female warrior battle cry.

Alisa: It’s a good thing.

Rebekah: I think we should just all run around screaming “Ashwagandha!”

Alisa: It’s a – you know, it’s –

Rebekah: On the rooftops.

Alisa: We should scream it. We should take it because it really helps us just chill out in the face of all the low grade stress that’s happening day to day.

Like, oh, I got to get here. I got to do this.

That’s like low grade stress.

If you have big, big stress, it’s a different story.

Rebekah: Then you come and meditate with me.

Alisa: That’s right.

You need to pull out the big guns.

But for the low grade day to day stress that we’re all just not even conscious of because our brains are able to adapt to it, but our adrenals are not, the ashwagandha is fantastic.

Rebekah: These were amazing tips.

We got a lot more than I thought we were going to but there’s so much more to learn.

Alisa: Yeah.

Rebekah: So this is what you’re going to do.

You’re going to go to

You have amazing programs there.

Alisa: Yes. Rebekah: You have amazing information.

Alisa: Yes.

Rebekah: You also have a beautiful book WomanCode.

That’s going to set you straight in all different areas of your life and everything is going to be linked in the video description below.

Alisa: Thank you.

Rebekah: I’m so excited because we’re both having babies.

Alisa: I know. Play dates. Rebekah: And we’re going to smoosh them on camera very, very soon.

Alisa: Someone just gave me this for a baby shower gift and I am in love with my new mascot.

This is an ovary and a fallopian tube in case you weren’t sure.

Rebekah: Yeah.

Alisa: Super cute. It’s going to go in the crib, I think, for sure. Rebekah: Oh, every baby should cuddle on over it.

Alisa: At least mine should.

Rebekah: See you guys. .


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