Fungal Skin Infection

According to Medical News Today, a fungus is "one of a wide range of living organisms, some of them beneficial to health, others less so." Members of the group of eukaryotic organisms, fungi exist as molds and microorganisms, yeasts and mushrooms.


Fungal skin infections on humans are common, and include yeast infections, athlete's foot, jock itch, ringworm and other conditions.

Yeast Infections

Cutaneous Candidiasis is another name for a fungal attack of the skin more commonly known as a yeast infection.

The candida fungus creates an itchy, red sometimes scaly rash on the skin. As with most other fungi, candida prefers warm, moist, dark areas. 

Therefore, it is usually found in the armpits or around the groin. If you are obese, have diabetes or are taking antibiotics, your risk of a yeast infection is elevated.

Candida can create diaper rash in infants, and a common yeast infection of the mouth or throat is called oral thrush. The most common yeast infection is found in the vagina, but this type of fungal attack of the skin can occur anywhere on the body.

An itching or burning sensation may accompany bumps that resemble pimples, swelling, pain, pus, or infected areas that ooze a thick, clear fluid.

Yeast infections of all kinds are effectively treated with medicated creams, suppositories, and in the case of oral thrush, with a lozenge or mouthwash.

Athlete's Foot

Tinea Pedis is better known as athlete's foot. This fungal skin infection got its name because it prefers moist, warm environments, and athletes participating in sports for extended periods of time are prime candidates.

Their feet sweat is as they experience physical activity, and since socks and shoes are worn sometimes for hours in many sports, the feet of casual and professional athletes frequently develop this condition.

Locker rooms, swimming pools and the floors of public restrooms and showers are breeding grounds for Tinea Pedis if not cleaned and sanitized frequently.

 Symptoms include blisters, redness, an itching and burning sensation, and cracking of skin on the feet. 

The most common athlete's foot occurs between your toes. 

Athlete's foot is easily remedied with anti fungal medication which can be purchased over-the-counter. 

In extreme and rare cases oral drugs may be prescribed

Jock Itch(tinea cruris)

Clinically referred to as Tinea Cruris, the more common name of this fungal skin condition is jock itch.

The word jock is another name for athlete, and like athlete's foot, this infection of the skin is common for those who participate in sports frequently.

This fungus prefers warm, moist areas of the body. It causes an itching sensation which is usually a found on the inner thighs, around the genitals and on the buttocks.

Jock itch shows up as an itchy, red rash and is more frustrating and discomforting than being a serious health concern.

Flaking, cracking and peeling skin is sometimes present.

Similar in behavior and treatment to athlete's foot, jock itch responds well to anti-fungal sprays, powders, creams and medications.


Tinea Corporis, after the type of fungus that causes the infection and is not a worm at all, but rather a fungal infection.

Anyone can develop ringworm. However, the infection is very common among children and people who own pet cats.

Both cats and dogs can catch ringworm and then pass it on to humans who touch them. Signs to be aware of in pets include:

  • hairless patches of skin that appear circular
  • crusty or scaly patches
  • patches that may not be completely hairless but have brittle or broken hairs
  • opaque or whitish areas around the claws

You may be more likely to develop dermatophytosis if you come into contact with the fungi while you’re wet or if you have minor skin injuries or abrasions.

Using a public shower or public pool areas may also expose you to the fungi.

It can show up anywhere on your skin and appears as a red, circular, flat sore. Scaly skin is sometimes present.

The exterior of the sore may be raised while the skin in the center looks normal.

This condition can be spread through direct contact, and is more effective as a contagion when heat and humidity levels are high.

The rashes appear on skin regions except for the scalp, groin, palms of the hand, and soles of the feet.

A topical application of antibiotic creams is usually all that is needed to clean up the problem.

  • clotrimazole (Lotrimin AF)
  • miconazole (Micatin)
  • terbinafine (Lamisil)
  • tolfaftate (Tinactin)
  • <
    Natural ways to beat fungus.

    Do you have questions about fungal infections like who gets them?

    Where do they happen?

    Is it a toenail fungus, a chronic sinus infection, a respiratory disease and what are the treatment options and how can you prevent it?

    So after watching this video, you'll know the four types of infections, how you can avoid fungus,

    you'll know the difference between yeast candida and fungus and what treatments are available and the six solutions for treating fungal infections and as a bonus, the four advanced therapies for candida, yeast and fungal infections.

    Hi, this is Dr. Jason West in the West Clinic in four generations, a hundred years of healing with me and now, before I go on, I need your help, I want to you to help as many people as possible a cause to help people achieve and maintain optimal health without going to doctors, without unnecessary drugs, without unnecessary surgery, aggressive interventions and the value that I bring to you is that the information and the report that goes with it, and in return, would you please like and share the video?

    Thank you for doing that.

    I was asked yesterday by a patient,

    "What can you do about infection?"

    I replied, 'What type of infection?"

    because there are four types of infection,

    there's bacteria,

    there's virus,

    there's parasites and

    fungi and after the discovery of antibiotics, it seemed like everyone assumed infections were bacterial and we just hammered people with antibiotics, it was called the wonder drug.

    The dictionary defines anti means fighting or posed or against and bios is the Greek word for life, so it literally means life killing therapy.

    Now I'm not anti-medicine but I feel you should use antibiotics cautiously because they can be life-saving but they can also have some detrimental side effects to your health and I need to talk about side effects.

    Drugs either have effects or they don't, there's no such thing as a side effect.

    Okay, I have seen hundreds of patients with the effects of antibiotics and often antibiotics are the cause or the contributing factor the chronic yeast or Candida infections

    so let's talk about yeast and mold and mushrooms.

    I mean who really eats those?

    I mean we need an MRI schedule your brain if you are a fungus or mushroom eater.

    Now I say that jokingly because I don't like the taste of mushrooms but it's a proven fact that people that eat mushrooms eventually die.

    Okay, I'll drop the comedy act,

    I just have an aversion to mushrooms.

    I mean, do you know that they grow on?

    Seriously, it's poop, okay, alright, nevermind about the fecal living organisms, the video must go on.

    Really this is a good place to talk about the definitions because mold, yeast, mildew, they're all fungus, the word gets used interchangeably and many times people are talking about yeast, candida or candida fungus and to describe the same thing, now yeast are unicellular fungi while fungus are made up of long tubes of Heifetz like basically a bunch of them and Candida basically is the precursor in yeast, it's kind of like a butterfly

    so it's just different life cycles of the organism.

    Now there are different areas that the yeast or candida fungus, the monster likes to go after, you can have skin problems like athlete's foot, jock itch, fingernail or toenail fungus and ringworm and why is this such a problem?

    Because Americans unintentionally fertilize the yeast or the Candida and who does that?

    It's because the American diet is filled with so much sugar and simple carbs, that's one way to address the problem..

    If you starve the fungus, you'll start feeling worse because it's releasing toxins and the natural thing to do is to start eating sugar and then the yeast laps up and it's sugar and then you feel better but your conditions stay the same so yeast and Candida multiplies and it makes us crave sugar, that's why it's such a difficult thing to take care of and how do you know if you have a yeast problem?

    One clue is the symptoms, things like oral thrush, fingernail or toenail fungus, vaginal yeast infections or even patches on your skin your, respiratory system you can get into your lungs, there can also be systemic Candida which can get into your muscles, your lungs and your brain.

    Now I believe Candida is a huge contributing factor to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome or the new name, systemic, exertion, tolerance disease.

    I mean, that sounds way better than chronic disease.

    Now a lot of medical practitioners don't believe in Candida or systemic Candida like it's some type of a religion or something and like Will Rogers statement here, there's two sides to every argument.

    Lying and the wrong one, so a lot of medical practitioners, they just miss the boat on yeast and Candida.

    Now the medical practitioners who do recognize these problems may be treating them wrong, many antifungals affect liver and kidney function especially if you mix the antifungals with alcohol or another drug therapy and antifungals weaken the heart's ability to contract, this can lead to heart failure and the medicine that the antifungals reactant are usually common prescriptions, or over-the-counter medicines.

    Now fungus are microorganisms that are present everywhere, indoors, outdoors.

    In fact, there's over 50,000 types of fungi in the environment, they can coexist or live on your skin for years without a problem but sometimes, it change happens and then the infection occurs and it can be ringworm on your head or nail beds or candidiasis, it can be in the mouth, a vaginal tract or the urinary tract.

    Now it's kind of a trick question at the beginning of the video because it says, "How can we avoid fungus?"

    How can you avoid mold?

    And the answer is that you can't, the way that you don't have those infections is you've got to make sure that your immune system is healthy and you don't intentionally feed the candida, this can be brought on by a weakened immune system side effects of antibiotics, diabetes, poor hygiene, warm and moist environments, poor circulation or a traumatic skin injury.

    So let's talk about something that's really important.

    If you're having fungal concerns or problems, it's a sign that your immune system isn't working.

    Let me repeat that.

    A fungal infection is a sign of a deeper problem and you can't avoid fungus or yeast or mold spores, they're everywhere and the immune system takes care of it when it's healthy, if you have the immune system deficiencies or lifestyle problems, where you're unintentionally just feeding or fertilizing the yeast and then this thing called stress .

    Now stress, too much sugar, not enough sleep and empty calorie diet, what?

    That means you can get food space takers, now what does that mean?

    It means that you can get food in your system, it's of no well substance.

    In my opinion, the only long-term viable solution for a chronic yeast or Candida infection is to work on the person and not the yeast, you must change the environment and make the person healthy, rely on a pill or an antifungal medicine I believe is a recipe for disaster.

    So let's talk about solutions.

    Here's the best way to treat these types of infections.

    Number one, remove the food source, stop eating food cocaine.

    Now I say that because it sounds cool and everyone says sugar is more addictive than cocaine so avoid sugar.

    Apple cider vinegar helps to kill fungus infections and the acidic properties helps to kill the problem and you can use it externally and you can use it internally and for systemic conditions, I really like plain yogurt not sugarfied yogurt, I love garlic because it helps to kill the fungus, the bacteria and the yeast and oils like tea tree oil, oregano oil, peppermint, and clove oil.

    Now my favorite thing to do for anti-fungal Candida yeast is a natural Native American remedy called Lomatium, it's a wild crafted herb, originally discovered by the Native Americans that bolsters the immune system and I believe it's the number one remedy for fungal infections, for yeast problems and for systemic Candida.

    There are two ways to get this, you can get as a tincture, as a capsule and this is particularly effective against fungal skin infections because it literally burns up the fungus and it leaves your healthy tissue intact and you rub this on your toenail or your fingernail and it really really helps that type of fungus but I must urge you, its consistency, if you treat those areas consistently with Lomatium, it will help, in my experience.

    Now you have to figure out who is more determined you or the fungus, so you take the Lomtium, you rub it on your toenails and fungus and you can order through that, you can order that through the West Clinic online or Ntures NX.

    Now for the people that are not responding to the home therapy, there's some advanced therapies that are important to help your immune system.

    Number one, vitamin C, it strengthens the immune system, it's my favorite overall vitamin, you may want to couple that with ultraviolet bloody radiation therapy or UV RX therapy and then dilute hydrochloric acid.

    A one to five hundred dilution has some fantastic immune stimulating and some lymph node flushing therapy and then neural therapy helps to reset the nervous system, I talked about this on in most every video because it's literally life-changing.

    So to summarize the information, you can't avoid fungus you got to be healthy.

    If you have a fungal problem, it's a sign that your immune system isn't working that well and antifungal medicines interact with common prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines and they're very hard on the liver and kidney, the only way to win against and Candida our yeast problem is to make the body healthy, it's kind of like the Humpty Dumpty plan, you're on a wall, you fall off, you're in pieces, you have to have someone help put the pieces back together.

    To beat this, you need to follow the candida diet and by the way, as a bonus, if you'll message me, I'll send you my favorite candida diet outline and then Lomatium is the best treatment for Candida systemically in my opinion. You can put Lomatium directly on the skin areas, your fingernails and toenails, it works great as long as you're consistent, based upon my clinical experience and the feedback that my patients are giving me and then some people with Candida, long-standing yeast and Candida infections, the only way in my opinion to beat those is to do the IV vitamin C, some type of ultraviolet therapy and possibly some dilute hydrochloric acid therapy.

    Thanks for watching the video, this is Dr. Jason West in the West Clinic. There's always hope and our mission is to help as many people as possible to achieve and maintain optimal health. .

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