October 22, 2018

What Are the Causes of IBS

If you are a sufferer of IBS or irritable bowel syndrome, you will know how tough that can be, because the characteristics are uncomfortable and painful. You can either be constipated or have diarrhea or both, sometimes so bad you cannot even reach the bathroom in time. But in saying that, the symptoms for IBS are different for everyone who has experienced it – all you know is that you want to find a solution to the problem.


Ongoing research continues to produce solutions

There are medications on the market particularly for irritable bowel syndrome, because it’s a very common disorder these days. There are many people who want to try natural remedies than the conventional drugs.

Even though symptoms of IBS can be severe, often this disorder will just be labeled a “psychosomatic,” problem – all in the head. Some people suffer for decades on end without getting a solution because their doctors have never really seemed to nail the cause of their illness.

Many have been told just to increase their fiber; others have been prescribed sedatives; some have been prescribed anti-spasm drugs and even anti-depressants. But those things aren’t really the answer because most of them don’t even work and nor do they address the underlying causes why the digestion system is not working properly.

Discovering the underlying causes

There has been some emerging research which has helped to identify the underlying causes of IBS. Some doctors like Dr. Mark Hyman, a US physician who is also the founder and medical director of the Ultra Wellness Centre has had many patients who have been successfully treated with IBS, based on functional medicines that have aided him in identifying and removing the underlying causes of IBS.

He has been successful in helping patients to regain restored digestive function and excellent health. He says that there are 5 simple steps that any person who has IBS can follow so that they can be cured of IBS.

A case in question

  • One of his patients, Alexis, 45, had IBS for over 33 years.
  • She would just suddenly experience pain and cramping diarrhea.
  • She reportedly didn’t consume any dairy products, she didn’t smoke and took fiber every day, and yet nothing seemed to help.
  • She needed to go to the bathroom 4-5 times before leaving her house in the morning and she had to plan her day, figuring out close bathrooms which could be reached quickly in case she got her “attacks”.
  • She always felt bloated, full and uncomfortable after all her meals, and even worse, when she consumed starchy foods.
  • Her medications had included antibiotics and she also suffered from yeast infections. She had even undergone a scope in her stomach which had revealed that she had inflammation of the stomach, also known as gastritis. Along with that, she had severe PMS or premenstrual syndrome with irregular periods, headaches, sugar cravings, and being agitated. Other unusual symptoms she experienced were rectal itching, which is often a clear sign of the yeast infections or from food allergies, and then to crown it all, she just felt so tired.
  • She tried to eat healthily, but her diet wasn’t the best. She would down muffins and coffee for breakfast, maybe a salad for lunch – but she couldn’t seem to wean herself from sugar, eating cakes, ice-creams, sweets, diet sodas, and other junk foods and she was also overweight.

The treatment by Dr. Hyman

  • What Dr. Hyman did, he dealt with the underlying causes of Alexis’s digestive problems first, because the two main reasons you get IBS is from food allergies and an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.
  • He prescribed for Alexis the necessary antibiotic and then she had to eliminate the foods that were causing her allergies. But he gave her natural supplements of healthy bacteria which were able to normalize her gut. And he gave her zinc to help with the digestive enzymes because chronic diarrhea can certainly result in a zinc deficiency. She had to take extra fiber to feed the healthy bacteria and plenty of fish oil to reduce the inflammation. This was followed by a multivitamin and herbs to balance her hormones. Hormones can be affected greatly by abnormal bacteria.
  • Zinc, magnesium, probiotics, fiber, fish oil, enzymes, glutamine, vitamin A are the foods and supplements that are to be taken for anyone with IBS. It is also important to work with a practitioner that can personalize your health programs to meet your needs.
  • When Alexis came back to see Dr. Hyman 2 months later, she was a completely different person. She had lost 20 pounds, she hadn’t had any of her previous “attacks” and she was having normal bowel movements and habits for the first time in 33 years.
  • She apparently had much more energy and the PMS had disappeared. Her face looked 10 years younger, free from the stress and suffering she had endured for so long.

Explaining the gut imbalances

  • The small intestine consists of around 60% of our immune system and your gut-immune system deals with bacteria and food particles that are not digested. If the lining of the gut breaks down from taking a lot of antibiotics, stress, a lot of anti-inflammatory medicines like aspirin, etc., low-fiber diets with high sugar, alcohol, etc., then the immune system gets exposed to foreign particles from food as well as bacteria and other microbes. Havoc is created in your gut, leading to IBS, which leads on to include other problems like allergies, mood disorders, arthritis, autoimmunity, and the list goes on.
  • You need a healthy microbial ecosystem in your gut if you are to be healthy. When the gut bacteria gets out of balance and there is not enough healthy bacteria, you get sick. When bad bacteria is active in your gut, it starts fermenting the food you digest particularly the sugary and starchy foods.  This is known as small bowel bacterial overgrowth, a major cause of IBS. What you experience is a bloated full feeling after your meals.
  • Why bloating?
  • Because it’s the overproduction of gas from the bacteria.
  • Small bowel bacterial overgrowth gets diagnosed by a breath test. This measures gas production by the bacteria. You could also have a urine test that is capable of measuring the bacteria by-products that are absorbed into your system.
  • The Annals of Internal Medicine show that by using a non-absorbed antibiotic, named rifaximin for 10 days you could show dramatic improvement in bloating and the symptoms of IBS because it clears out the overgrowth of the bacteria. It is a popular treatment for IBS. All patients are different, however, and there are more factors that lead to IBS such as food sensitivities too, which can cause so many chronic symptoms like IBS.

If you suffer as Alexis did, there are the tools to deal with your IBS. You don’t have to wait for more studies to come out.

Follow the 5 simple steps of Dr. Hyman today to start your healing process.

  • Get tested: Try and get tests for IgG food allergies, eliminating the foods that test positive over a period of 12 weeks. Your doctor will assist.
  • Test yourself first: You do this by eliminating typical food allergens on your diet such as yeast, eggs, gluten, soy, corn, and peanuts or whatever you believe could be the responsible foods. Start reintroducing them to see which one was the one causing symptoms.
  • Get rid of the bad guys in your small bowel:  Your doctor might prescribe rifaximin initially to deal with the chronic bacterial overgrowth like what Dr. Hyman prescribed.
  • Repopulate your digestive tract with the good bacteria: You will do this with probiotics. The quality varies, so you need to really look out for top brands that contain billions of organisms in a packet, really special probiotics that help to normalize your gut function.
  • You should try digestive enzymes: Take these with your meals to help with breaking down of food while your gut heals, such as omega-3, GLA from evening primrose oil, zinc, glutamine, vitamin A, and others.

Medical intervention is important in the treatment of IBS, and certain changes in the diet can go a long way to improve symptoms.

When you take these impotent steps and seek out the underlying causes such as the above example, followed by natural foods and supplements, you can dramatically improve your health and overcome digestive disorders.

Think about these:

Probiotics and Prebiotics
Live bacteria found in fermented foods such as kefir and yogurt is known to relieve symptoms of IBS. Your doctor will decide whether probiotics and prebiotics are worth a try.

Not many studies have been concluded on prebiotics which is non-digestible carbohydrates. These feed the good bacteria in your gut.

Prebiotics can be found in excellent foods such as bananas, garlic, raw asparagus, and onions.


Getting more fiber, as mentioned above does appear to help with IBS. Psyllium, wheat bran, and calcium polycarbophil are fiber types.

Foods that are high in fiber are fruits, beans, whole grains, vegetables. 

Your diets should consist of typically low-calorie foods, packed with vitamins and nutrients.

Peppermint oil:

Peppermint oil really seems to have promising results that go back for many years, especially for patients who suffer from a lot of IBS pain. It is thought that peppermint oil is considered a natural anti-spasmodic, and it seems to be beneficial for pain. Other essential oils which are great for IBS are included below.


Iberogast is a liquid formula consisting of nine different plant extracts—which also includes peppermint, for those patients with IBS-related pain. The plant extracts seems to also have non-spasmodic qualities.

Digestive enzymes:

These supplements are always helpful for people with diarrhea which is so often a symptom of IBS.

Stress-reduction strategies

Stress doesn’t come in a bottle, but it is something that is essential to get rid of when dealing with IBS. You need to modify your response to all the stress you encounter, exploring different options for stress reduction. 

For some, it can be yoga or medication.

It’s all about mindfulness and reflection.

Women are more susceptible to getting IBS

Did you know that IBS affects between 25-45 million Americans, mostly women?

It appears that you can get this condition from as early as your late teens to your early 40's. IBS is not a life-threatening disease, but it can be nasty because it can last so long. When people suffer real IBS symptoms they are known to miss work or school, often unable to take part in activities.

Stress, as mentioned above, can make symptoms worse. Along with IBS, many sufferers also seem to suffer from sexual problems and urinary symptoms. You get four types of IBS types.

  • There is IBS with constipation (IBS-C).
  • There is IBS with diarrhea (IBS-D).
  • Some people have alternating patterns of constipation and diarrhea, which is called mixed IBS (IBS-M).
  • The others who don’t fit into these categories easily called un-subtyped IBS, or IBS-U.

What Are the Causes of IBS?

Experts don’t even know what really causes IBS but there are so many suggestions as to what causes it, from the colon being hypersensitive, to when the muscles in the bowl don’t squeeze normally; that it’s about chemicals made by the body such as gastrin and serotonin which control nerve signals between the digestive tract and the brain.

All complicated and which has caused so much ongoing research to be carried out.

Researchers are trying hard to see if it is the bacteria in the bowels causing IBS. 

Some researchers say it is hormones that play a role simply because IBS is seen more in women. But studies haven’t borne this out yet.

Doctors will try to match your symptoms with the definition of what IBS is in their terms, and run tests. These can be:

  • A colonoscopy: This will search for any signs blockage or inflammation
  • An upper endoscopy to check indigestion and heartburn
  • X-rays will be carried out
  • Blood tests will be done to check for anemia, thyroid disease or problems and other signs of infection
  • Stool tests will determine if there is a blood infection
  • Tests to determine lactose intolerance, celiac disease, and gluten allergies

Everyone who has IBS can find help but there is no single treatment that does work for everyone. You and the doctor will need to work out together what the right treatment is to plan and to manage your symptoms.

And as we have seen, there are many things that trigger off IBS. It can be foods, or medicines, the presence of undigested foods in the stools or gas and emotional stress as well.  

The underlying cause will need to be found. It might mean some lifestyle changes and taking medications, but you can improve IBS.

Some dos and don’ts when you have IBS

  • Try and avoid caffeine in your sodas, coffee, and tea.
  • Add more fiber like fruits and vegetables, grains and nuts into your diet.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Try and relax by getting more exercise and finding ways to reduce stress.
  • Limit your milk and cheese intake.
  • Eat smaller meals over bigger meals.
  • Keep records of what you eat so you can try and discover what is triggering off the IBS.
  • Try and avoid the foods that trigger off IBS such as green onions, red peppers, red wine, and cow’s milk. If you worry that you don’t get enough calcium, try and get it from other foods, like spinach, broccoli, tofu, sardines, salmon with bones, calcium-fortified orange juices and bread and out even get calcium supplements.

Like peppermint oil, essential oils can be your natural pharmacy

Essential oils have been around for years and they have received special attention for their healing properties, particularly for digestion, anxiety and other issues.

Because people with IBS are usually those who suffer from high levels of stress, essential oils have been known to help.  

Even though the FDA doesn’t regulate the usage of essential oils, heaps of individuals attest to their personal experiences of essential oils helping them. Look at some that can be of great benefit:

  • Cumin essential oil
  • Peppermint essential oil
  • Ginger essential oil
  • Fennel essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Frankincense essential oil
  • Oregano essential oil
  • Anise essential oil
  • Thieves essential oil: this one is a combination of rosemary, lemon, clove, eucalyptus, and rosemary and when blended together creates a strong antioxidant blend, those with IBS have been known to add a few drops of the blend into a vegetarian capsule and swallowing with water.

Natural foods to eat with irritable bowel syndrome

  • Fiber
  • Grains: choose grains without gluten in them
  • Almonds, soy milk, rice, coconut
  • Bananas
  • Bell peppers
  • Blueberries
  • Carrots
  • Grapes
  • Cucumbers
  • Oats
  • Potatoes
  • Rice
  • Quinoa
  • Spinach and other leafy green veggies
  • Tangerines
  • Tomatoes

Physical exercise

You can truly benefit from yoga because stress is such a large factor of IBS. Yoga is all about reducing stress, gently stretching the body to ease any muscle tensions and promote bowel movements. 

The different poses of yoga give your body a gentle massage, increasing the blood flow and delivering oxygen.


Are you wondering if all those recurring digestive issues of yours mean that you have IBS?

You will have learned by now that IBS symptoms vary from one person to the next and tend to come and go according to your stress levels and lifestyle. IBS affects more than 10% of the population of the world.

From most doctors’ point of view, they will diagnose IBS from your symptoms collected.

Fortunately, there is good news in that once you have identified your particular IBS symptoms; you can treat it naturally through lifestyle changes and a natural treatment plan.

Ever heard of FODMAPs?

You might soon enough. 

Because certain sugars in food are not absorbed completely by our bodies, they ferment in our guts, which can lead to IBS. A team of Australian medical professionals developed the low FODMAP diet.

Those patients who do suffer from IBS are the ones likely to have other kinds of functional diseases – they are the ones more likely to have surgery than other people, indirectly leading to high mortality rates and more diseases.

Further studies on the importance of FODMAP and IBS have put IBS on the map and even though more research is needed, you might want to check out adopting a low FODMAP diet and see how it applies to you.

Hope is being provided to patients with IBS and hopefully, some solutions here, natural foods and supplements, and some lifestyle changes will turn out to be exactly the answer to your IBS.

Josh:Hey guys. Dr. Josh Axe here with Jordan Rubin.

Welcome to Ancient Nutrition Today.

We're going to be talking about How to Overcome IBS, and many other types of digestive issues.

And Jordan, I know you've got an incredible story of overcoming digestive disease yourself.

Before we get into your story, and also jump into the top 10 secrets to transform your digestive health and overcome IBS with essential oils, diet, nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, herbs and a whole lot more.

How many people today do you think are struggling with digestive disease and issues like IBS?

Jordan:You know, I've heard a statement that one out of two people, if not two out of three, will suffer from what you would call IBS at least temporarily in their lifetime.

So IBS is typically chronic and it is predominantly alternating constipation and diarrhea, but now there's IBS-C, which is more prone to constipation, IBS-D.

Women are more likely to have IBS than men.

I believe that that has to do with, what they're actually willing to share.

I think that it's fairly equal but women are more willing to go to the doctor, talk about it, etc.

But women tend to have more IBS on the constipation side, whereas men will have more IBS on the loose bowel side.

Now understand, this is not Crohn's disease, this is not ulcerative colitis, but IBS in the past used to be called colitis nervous stomach, which is a little insulting, right, or spastic colon.

So back in the day, IBS was collectively referred to all those conditions.

But if you're someone who is always bloated, you're constipated, you're dealing with gas, indigestion, you will likely be lumped in the IBS.

It’s a catch-all, there's no pathology.

We’re going to do other programs on inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's, and ulcerative colitis.

But if you do have IBD, which is what I suffered from, tune in.

These principles are going to help virtually anyone with digestive issues. But we are focused today on Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and the tens of millions of people who have it.

Josh:Yeah, Jordan. I'll say, there's actually a lot of people today because I've had a lot of patients come in my clinic over the years in the past to where struggling with, as you're saying, constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating is a big one.

And some of them didn't even realize that if they would have gone into a conventional doctor, they would have been diagnosed with IBS.

So if you're struggling with any digestive issue, especially gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, or IBS, these tips today we're going to get in are going to help you.

And I guarantee some of these tips that we're going to go over are really going to surprise you and they could transform your digestive health.

Jordan:Folks listen, virtually everyone needs help with their gut.

I don't know anyone who doesn't need help. And here's something you should understand, both Josh and I have been coaching and helping people overcome health challenges for years one-on-one.

It's been one-on-one often but now we do a lot of research and a lot of sharing and people will text me, “I have a friend of a friend, or my cousin, or my father,” and I want to help everybody that I can but this literally will be a health coaching session.

So if you know someone who could benefit, this information has taken us years and it’s worth, its weight in gold.

If you're suffering from IBS, I remember years ago watching a video, people in the UK literally doubled over in pain, depression follows, suicidal thoughts. When your gut hurts, nothing is right.

So if you know somebody that needs help with their gut, adult or child, tell them to tune in now.

Information here will absolutely change your life.

It did mine.

Josh:Absolutely, Jordan.

So let's jump into step number one, or secret number one when it comes to overcoming IBS.

Talk to us about why we should avoid disaccharides, and what is a disaccharide?

Jordan:Well, I like to start off with a really long word to make you understand, just how smart we are, right?

You always want to do that.

A disaccharide is a double sugar, so “di” is double, saccharide is a term for sugar.

Disaccharides include lactose and dairy, almost everyone with IBS is also lactose intolerant, it's over 50%.

Starches, so we're talking about grains, even healthy grains have disaccharide.

So wheat, barley, oats, rye.

People say, “But I thought they had gluten.” Gluten is a protein, disaccharide is the starch.

And years ago, Elaine Gottschall who wrote, “Breaking the Vicious Cycle”, back in the day it was called food in the gut reaction, the SCD diet.

She was a personal friend of mine and helped mentor me in my early days.

And she thought that disaccharides might actually be more dangerous than gluten.

But they always occur together, they're never one without the other so who's the culprit and who's the accomplice?

I don't know.

So those are two big ones, starches and grains, lactose but also starches in potatoes, that include sweet potatoes, corn, right?

Corn raw I usually say as a vegetable cooked is more of a grain but corn has disaccharides.

Soy has various phytates that I would also lump into this as well.

Table sugar, maple syrup, and you want to be careful with fructooligosaccharides.

FOS is something that you find in probiotics, and it is found in other foods.

Agave is very rich in FOS, which is why I don't recommend agave.

So disaccharides cause issues.

So many people that go on a low-carb or paleo type diet feel better in their gut. One of the main reasons, it's because they avoid disaccharides.

Now just so you know, if you're someone who says, “I don't really have IBS but occasionally my gut doesn't feel well.

There's a way to reduce disaccharides and still consume the foods, fermentation.”

So sourdough whole-grain bread would have less disaccharides.

Yogurt, kefir, amasi, and cheese which is fermented dairy would have less disaccharides.

Fermented soy, etc. But those are the big ones, the corn, the potatoes, the grains, almost every grain not seeds but grains, dairy that has lactose, sugar, and maple syrup all have disaccharides.

And when you start to eliminate them, you will feel better so quickly. I bet three days and you're going to feel significantly better.

The only way you know that, though, is if you write it down. It shocks me how many people that I work with, “Do you feel better?”

“I don't know.”

Because here's the deal, when you have a headache, you tell everyone you have a headache, right?

But how many times do you walk around, “Hey, I don't have a headache right now.” You know when it hurts, you're unaware sometimes when you're better.

So write down your symptoms, rank them, gas, bloating, indigestion, how many bowel movements you have?

What the form is?

I know this is kind of gross, but it's a Tuesday morning we, can get into that.

That's how you know.

So disaccharides, if there's one thing you do, this could make a huge difference.

Josh:Yeah absolutely.

So again, some of this information might be new to you but think about all the people right now, who are struggling with digestive issues.

Maybe its gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, IBS symptoms, and even another condition that comes into mind, Jordan, that is growing in popularity is SIBO, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, which I know.

Disaccharides could cause issues with this as well.

And so again, we're talking potatoes, we’re talking whole grains.

If somebody's doing sweet potatoes, maple syrup, whole grains, typically they would think, “Hey, I'm eating healthy.”



Josh:At the same time, that can be the root cause of digestive issues.

And so we're going to jump here into step number two.

But Jordan, give our audience, what would be your favorite sweetener to replace maple syrup?

Jordan:Absolutely, it's a great question.

What are monosaccharides?

If disaccharides are bad, monosaccharides are the sweets that are best.

Honey’s really the best.

Now, monosaccharides would be glucose and fructose but don't go out and buy fructose.

Fructose can cause problems with the liver.

It's not a great sweetener, but honey is my favorite sweetener.

Now, I know some people, I can even tell that your phone is magically having commented say, “What about stevia?

What about this?

I heard that's good.”

I don't love sweetening things with non-caloric sweeteners, but they are okay when it comes to the gut.

You know, what's not okay in my opinion, I'm not a big fan of xylitol, maltitol, and sorbitol.

It's not the worst thing in the world, but those are sugar alcohols which behave just like disaccharides.

Honey is God created, and it's good.


Jordan read a study not too long ago about xylitol actually contributing to intestinal permeability.


Josh:So leaky gut syndrome…

Jordan:Absolutely, absolutely. Josh:Other digestive issues.

Question here from Jennifer, she says, “What about coconut sugar?”

Jordan:That's a great question, and it is one of favorite sweeteners.

Coconut sugars, half and half.

Coconut sugar is not a disaccharide sweetener necessarily.

It’s got a little bit of both.

If you are seriously compromised, no sweetener or honey is best, date sugar actually is another monosaccharide rich sugar.

Coconut sugar is good for so many reasons because it's a real food, but it is similar to maple in that it comes from sap.

I do think that it's good.

It's probably my second favorite sweetener. Date sugar is harder to find but honey, I use .

Josh:Honey is the best.

Jordan: honey to sweeten things 95% of the time.

Josh:Absolutely. I'm with you on that.

All right, let’s jump into number two here.

And guys, as we've been talking about, this is a big one.

Jordan, there are millions of people walking into doctor's office today, they're given steroids, they're given painkillers, they're given medications to try and just, you know, just basically work with the symptoms and not really take care of the root cause

Jordan:Quality, this is root stuffs.

Josh:So number two here, we're going to get into the root of the matter with ginger.

You like that?

Jordan:That’s actually a rhizome but very good.

Josh:Okay, there we go.

Get one.

Jordan:Ginger is one of the best gut supporting products period.

How do you consume ginger?

I like making a tea or a decoction.

And just for you foodies out there or your tea aficionados, it's not technically a tea unless you have the tea plant, Camellia sinensis.

However, I'm going to call it a tea because if I said an “herbal infusion”, you might wonder what it is, but hot ginger is awesome.

Mixed with lemon and honey, it's truly amazing.

You can take ginger in supplement form. Candy ginger wouldn't work because it's got sugar which is a disaccharide.

Ginger is great in juice, it's awesome in juice.

When you make veggie juice, juice with some ginger, you will absolutely love it.

But ginger has many compounds that help calm the gut.

We know it's good for occasional nausea, it's good for bloating, it's probably one of the top two herbs or spices—we'll talk about the other one later—for your gut, really, really good.


And I'll mention this with ginger just a couple of compounds, one compound it has is zinger bean which is actually an enzyme that's very similar, we've talked about kiwi and some of these other fruits, but it’s an enzyme that actually breaks down proteins within the body which is great.

Also it contains gingerols, which contain a lot of the anti-inflammatory compounds.

So a lot of disease today, including IBS, can be caused when you have inflammation in your gut and gut lining and that's why ginger it's one of my absolute favorite superfoods out there for treating IBS.

Even Crohn's, colitis, leaky gut syndrome, gas, bloating.

It's been shown clinically to benefit, the digestive tract in so many ways.

And a few ways I like to do it, Jordan, I love juicing it.

As you've said, I love doing actually pickled ginger, sometimes I do it with salmon is a great way to get it, as you talked about.

Actually just putting it in a pot of water and letting it simmer for 30 minutes along with some other herbs there, making a decoction or a tea out of it, so beneficial.

So one action step, if you want to do something immediately and notice the difference in your health.

Hey, add some good ginger root into your diet, in a tea, in a smoothie. I'll add it to, you know, an Asian dish and grate it in there. So ginger, an amazing herb there.

Jordan:It's wonderful.

Josh:So Jordan, we're going to jump into number three here, unveil it, here we go.

Peppermint essential oil, but Jordan talks to me a little about how you personally use peppermint essential oil?

Jordan:Peppermint can be used in many ways.

It can be used to make a delicious drink, it can be used in recipes, you've talked about thin mint smoothies, etc.

I just love it put in my mouth, or on my toothpaste, I can never get enough of it.

So every day, I put peppermint oil on my toothpaste in the morning, three drops or so.

I don’t care how many are on there, it's awesome. But also, peppermint oil has been very well documented in an enteric-coated capsule.

And we can't make this, this is a product but peppermint oil in an enteric-coated capsule has had significant benefit for gut issues and IBS.

So if you look for a supplement that is enteric-coated peppermint oil or if you have a two-piece hard shell vegetable capsule, you can put peppermint oil along with coconut oil in there.

When you take it by mouth, it doesn't necessarily get to the gut fully but it's still really, really good. And of course you can make other recipes with peppermint oil.

You can make peppermint ice cream.

Josh:Oh yeah.

Jordan:Every time you consume peppermint oil, it soothes the gut and when you are in the midst of an IBS attack…


Jordan:Because IBS can cause attacks, pain, doubling over, it's a great time to take a couple drops of peppermint oil orally and topically with a carrier oil.

Josh:You know, chamomile oil can be great because it reduces stress.

That's one of the things I know that we'll talk and we'll unveil in a little bit is some of what we believe are the most beneficial ways to reduce stress and remove that stress that can be on the gut, which we know can be a major cause there of IBS as well.

So and I just want to mention a few other oils here that you guys recommended. I believe pepper peppermint number one, ginger number two.

Fennel is great as well.

Citrus oils are fantastic.

And then even oils like chamomile and lavender to reduce stress can be great.

You know, Jordan, one of the things I've recommended patients do for years is take a healing bath, and so, you know, do one cup of Epsom salts, get in a bath.

You could do a little bit of lavender, chamomile, a little peppermint in the tub.

Sit there and just soak and relax for 20 minutes in a hot tub.

It's a great way to use essential oils to naturally relieve stress.

All right, Jordan, so that's peppermint oil.

Let's jump into number four here,

soluble fiber.

And Jordan, talk to us about soluble fiber.

Jordan:And let me mention this before I do, this is not all-inclusive.

In fact, there are several other steps, tips, keys, secrets, if you will, that are available to you.

This is not all-encompassing but we believe that these 10 little nuggets can help virtually everybody improve their digestion.

So soluble fiber is interesting.

It dissolves in water, as opposed to insoluble.

And when you have gut issues, particularly IBS, soluble fiber can be good for you.

Now, some people will turn to psyllium husk, which is soluble and it can help people.

The challenge is it is so absorbent or what you would call hydrophilic, it loves water, that it actually could cause gas and bloating, and some issues, and even, it can cause some other things that people don't want when they're dealing with the gut.

So not to say that psyllium is bad.

But if you're someone who has been used to taking psyllium, soluble fiber and psyllium are not necessarily synonymous.

There are other sources.

In fact, one that's been studied for IBS is acacia fiber or acacia gum.

There are actually some medical foods out there with acacia.

And my little daughter Isabella who's almost four has had some digestive challenges and we give her acacia fiber each and every day, one teaspoon, and it has helped.

So acacia fiber can be good, but if you're looking for a whole food solution, there are fruits that are wonderful sources of soluble fiber for people who have IBS.

Kiwi is my favorite.


Jordan:Now, it's soluble and insoluble, no fruit is strictly soluble or insoluble but kiwi’s a good one.

Blueberries are high in soluble fiber.

Mango, you know that many people have really good gut results by consuming fresh or even dried mango and it's so easy to find.

So those are three, there's several others and one of my favorites is orange.


Jordan:Orange is a really good source of soluble fiber.

If you've got serious gut issues, I like to consume at night kiwi fruit and orange.

Shop organic if you can.

Not only are they rich in vitamin C, but they're a great source of soothing soluble fiber that can help your bowel.

So kiwi, blueberries, as well as oranges and mango.

Certainly people like apples, etc.,

but those are a little higher in insoluble fiber and some people who are very sensitive can be bothered by them.

Josh:Jordan, we’ve got a question here from Tia Hall, she says, “What about flax?”

Jordan:We're going to get to seeds in just a moment, so a hold tight.

Flax is a combination of soluble and insoluble fiber and, you know, what else is a great source of soluble fiber is pumpkin.

I know people that take canned pumpkin, mix it with coconut cream.

And keep in mind, when you buy coconut cream, there's coconut butter, buy coconut milk in a can.

Not in a carton.

Actually it's better in a can, believe it not.

And all the cream comes to the top and then there's water on the bottom.

So you pour the water out you get the best stuff and mix a little bit of that or some butter, some honey, and some vanilla in pumpkin pie.

Just puree, it is a great source of bulking fiber for the gut.

It is really, really good. It's a gourd, a squash but it is very, very soothing and it's not talked about very much.

Josh:Oh yeah,

Jordan, another question here.

This is from Bella.

She said, “Are the same fruits you mentioned also good for ulcerative colitis?”

Jordan:That’s a great question.

If you have ulcerative colitis and you have loose bowels, and I know that sounds strange because most people think of course bloody bowel movements.

It's not always the case.

I know people with U.C. and Crohn's that have constipation.


Jordan:But if you've got ulcerative colitis and you have loose, unformed stools, those fruits are great.

I'd start with pumpkin, pumpkin is really good.

But blueberries are good, chew them very well, and of course the others that I mentioned.

Mango’s surprising, and orange is surprising, most people don't associate that with gut health.

They are all helpful.

Kiwi may be my favorite.

So soluble fiber from food.

Acacia is good, just start slowly because it's just fiber.

I like to try the fruit first. Josh:Jordan, one more question before we jump into number five.

Another question is, “Are these foods also good for SIBO?”

Jordan:Are these foods also good for SIBO?

It depends.

My opinion is that SIBO is mainly caused by disaccharides.

There's a lot of diets and theories out there.

FODMAPs which I’m not even going to go into all of that where people say, that oliols and certain oligosaccharides are a problem and you can't have avocado.

I don't get that deep.

If you need it that deep, then you should just be consuming meat and a few vegetables,



Jordan:Because you can.


Jordan:Or broth all the time.

I do believe that those fruits consumed in the right quantities, which is a smaller amount, with some fat, provided the rest of your diet has some good gut balancing products and foods, can be really good.

Josh:Yeah and I found, Jordan too, one bigger issue with SIBO is definitely over eating or eating foods that are going to sit in your stomach for a while.

So eating things that are more easily digested can definitely help.

Jordan:That’s why we’re here.

Josh:All right guys we have number five here, chia seeds.

And chia seeds are really incredible for so many reasons.

Jordan, why don't you talk a little about chia seeds?

Jordan:Chia is a combination of soluble and insoluble fiber, but what's great about chia, it's got a mucilaginous property to it.

So does flax, but flax is different because you can't just swallow flax and get benefits.

For years though they would boil flax seeds and strain the water off and it was like a gel.

Josh:Oh yeah.

Jordan:Really soothing for the gut.

Chia can be soothing for the gut.

You can consume the seeds straight.

I like to consume chia mixed in dairy products, kombucha, etc.

Ground chia is wonderful as a source of another fiber product.

Two to three tablespoons a day, and work up to that of chia, I find is a little better than flax, again because of its versatility but there are also other herbs and seeds.

Fenugreek, marshmallow root can be really good.

It does tend to cause some gas when you consume it.

Slippery elm is another, those are all mucilaginous, fibrous, herbs, spices, etc.

But chia seeds are great for the gut.

They’re not going to work right away as a laxative would, but I would work up to two to three tablespoons a day.

Again, you can just mix them in water, whole, let it gel, you’ve got a spoon in for a while, it will gel and the gel is very soothing to the gut.

Josh:Yeah. One of the things, Jordan, I love doing with chia seeds, is making a chia seed pudding, a chocolate chia seed pudding using some coconut cream, and cacao, and things like that, or just coconut cream.

But chia seeds can be great.

We have some questions about Jordan.

Do you have anything specific we can do as a quick constipation remedy if somebody has chronic and long-term constipation?


Josh:Actually answer that now and then we will jump into probiotics here.

Jordan:If you need fast, effective relief, when it comes to laxatives it can be very challenging because typically when you're looking at cascara, senna, etc.,

they can be a little bit rough.

Cathartic laxatives.

And that can move the bowel whether you're dead or alive and that's quite literal.

But when it comes to overcoming constipation, we talked about this in a recent program, get hydrated, number one.

Number two, consume enough fats. I think one of the best constipation relieving remedies, is a couple of ounces of olive oil.

Long-chain fats, avocados are good somebody mentioned.

Long-chain fats can be very beneficial so, that's number two.

Number three is probiotics, which we're going to talk about in a moment.

Particularly probiotics that have bacillus.

Bacillus coagulans is one of the best studied probiotics for constipation.

You can find it in a lot of foods and commercially available. Kombucha is now in supplements, etc.

And then number four would be fiber.

I think chia seeds are great but if you want to really move your bowels, take two tablespoons of olive oil up to two ounces.

It's kind of yucky to just drink olive oil but you can do it.

Flaxseed oil’s another alternative.

And then add those fruits I mentioned.

Two kiwis, they're small, some mango is really good, and you can have blueberries as we talked about.

The other option is to do the pumpkin coconut recipe.

So all of those are good in my opinion for constipation. They're not going to work overnight always.

But they will get things moving.


And I'll say this, and by the way my mom loves it when I talked about her constipation on air.

Jordan:I’m sure she does.

Josh:Hey, mom.

But my own mom struggled with chronic constipation for years, having sometimes just one bowel movement a week for years.

And Jordan what we did is we started doing a mixture of goat's milk, kefir, and flax meal.

She did that every day, she would do carrot juice with two tablespoons of flax seed oil.

Jordan:Great, great.

Josh:Like you're saying and she would also eat blueberries throughout the day, do lots of water and she would do a mini trampoline or rebounder.

Jordan:Mimi trampoline is really great.

And look, last time we talked about our moms, Josh said his mom got our new multivitamin, mine didn't.

Not to be outdone, my mom had chronic constipation even worse than your mom.

So oops…let’s go talk about…

Josh:Wait until I talk about mom’s toenail fungus.

Okay, okay here we go.

Jordan:Yeah, yeah, I knew it.

Josh:All right, so number six.

We're going to talk about probiotics to benefit IBS.

I'm going to talk about a few things here then pass this onto Jordan.

So probiotics are crucial, Jordan. We live in this age today of antibiotics.

You know, I'll say for a majority of the patients I took care of over the years, one of the number one causes of leaky gut and inflammatory bowel disease was them taking a prescription antibiotic as a kid, taking it over, and over, and over again through the years.

Those antibiotics kill not only the bad bacteria, they kill the good bacteria that line your gut, those probiotics.

And so we know probiotics are important for so many things, nutrient absorption, digestion, protection of the gut lining.

You know, probiotics actually produce enzymes that can help break down your food for you.

They are actually responsible for helping produce certain vitamins like K2, certain types of fatty acids.

Probiotics are a big deal and I would guess, Jordan, that 98% of people have an imbalance in having enough good bacteria in their gut.

And I know this is something that I know I've been used in the past.

And talk to us about, probiotics, how they can benefit IBS and also are there specific types or species of probiotics we should be looking for?

Jordan:There are.

And keep this in mind, you can get probiotics from food.

You mentioned that your mom consumed goat milk kefir.

That's a source of probiotics.

Sauerkraut, if your gut is not really, really cranky, you could do well to consume sauerkraut or kimchi and I'll talk about why in just a moment.

Other fermented foods can be really, really good as well.

But two particular probiotic species that are great for IBS are lactobacillus plantarum that comes from sauerkraut but it's also available in supplements, and Bacillus coagulans.

In fact, Bacillus coagulans was just approved in Canada to make an IBS claim.


Jordan:But that's a big deal for Health Canada.

So both of those probiotics are helpful for alternating constipation and diarrhea, Lactobacillus plantarum and Bacillus coagulans, I've used them for years.

I really like them.

Consumes sauerkraut, you can consume some other fermented foods.

Natto is really, really good.

Any Bacillus, I think, is great for SIBO, which is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, IBS, etc.

And they create enzymes to break down your food.

Bottom line if you're on IBS, you need a probiotic and you need lots of it.


Absolutely, so couldn't agree more.

So get those probiotic and here's the thing, you want to make sure when you're taking a probiotic, I recommend getting a certified organic probiotic.

Looking for species, again Jordan’s saying the Bacillus species, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis, great probiotics.

And those aren't just food based in a way, those are actually titled and a lot of times soil based probiotics.

We should be getting on a regular basis so.

Let's unveil step number seven here in order to help stop IBS.

So Jordan, talk to us about your favorite sources of resistant starch.

And also there's some new nut out there I know that's becoming really popular and it's a source resist of starch.

Jordan:Absolutely, it's a nut, that's not a nut.

It's called the tiger nut.

And I think that's for the shock factor.

Tiger nuts are actually small tubers and there's a really great company.

There's a few companies that make tiger nuts, they're small they're very high in fiber.

Sometimes you can get them peeled.

I've seen tiger nut horchata, which is a beverage that you can drink.

There's tiger nut flour to make in smoothies, but tiger nuts are high in resistant starch, really high in fiber, and if you start slowly consuming them, they are very, very good.

They're kind of sweet.

They're very chewy and you can find them at your local health food store or online.

So, tiger nuts are my favorite source or resistant starch.

I think anyone with IBS, gas, or bloating can benefit from tiger nuts.


Jordan:Potato starch isn’t a food, it's not nutritious. It's not organic. I don't recommend potato starch. You get the same benefits and more from tiger nuts.

And if you're on a nut-free diet it's not really a nut, it's a really small tuber that many people say was a large source of our diet thousands of years ago.

Josh:And one of the great things about resistant starches, Jordan, is they can actually support probiotics .

Jordan:They can.

Josh:in a body as well.

Jordan:They can, it’s a prebiotic, absolutely.

Josh:So sort of imagine yourself as if we're getting all these probiotics, yeah .as these seeds that are going to grow in your system we need some good fertilizer there as well.

That's a great reason to get quality resistant starch in your diet from tiger nuts.

In fact, I had a company recently, Jordan, send me some free product.

They sent me the tiger nuts as well as the flour and actually had some great cooking recipes of tiger nut pancakes and waffles and things like that.

Jordan:And in case you're wondering, I know people say, “Well, you tell me to buy tiger nuts, what brand?”

I'm guessing that it was Organic Gemini out of Brooklyn, New York.

Josh:Yes. Jordan:So they're good people.

Organic Gemini has really good tiger nut products.

They've got tiger nut oil.

I just love it when somebody comes out with a great concept and in fact I want to mention, Josh and I are going to be at Natural Products Expo East in a couple of weeks, actually next week.

Josh:Next week, yeah.

ordan:And so what we'll do is, we'll find some of the coolest new products. This is a tradeshow where all of the industry gets together and brings their new foods and beverages.

And I need to keep this guy focused because he'll just be walking around with my son Joshua, getting samples of everything, and we're actually going there to work.

Josh:And for fun. Jordan:But that's a great new product and I really love it when somebody comes up with something innovative that can benefit people.

So, tiger nuts, it's just cool.

I kind of wish I came up with that. Josh:Oh yeah. Jordan, let's talk about the benefits of digestive enzymes for IBS specifically.

Jordan:Now, I'm going to stand back here because the main benefit of digestive enzymes is, because you're still going to eat disaccharides, they break them down.

So think about it.

If you take digestive enzymes with meals, lactase will help you digest lactose.

Invertase or sucrase helps you digest table sugar and maple syrup.

Cellulase helps you digest raw plant fiber, which we can't digest. We don't have the enzyme.

And the list goes on and on. Amylase is for starch.

I have to say that someone with IBS, the number one product I may recommend for them is a broad spectrum digestive enzyme.

Josh:Oh yeah.

Yeah, that might surprise some people.

Again, I know any time I've recommended products, Jordan, for IBS, these two right here, it's been probiotics and enzymes every single time.

And people ask that a lot because, you know, when you go online and start researching sometimes there's like, hey here's the 50 different supplements and are beneficial for this condition.

As you're saying IBS, you want to take digestive enzymes, probiotics.

That's the perfect one-two punch there you want to follow and of course diet is number one.

But those things can definitely benefit the body.

When you're buying enzymes, I typically recommend people looking for certified organic supplements when you're going to go buy a supplement brand there as well.

And I can say, this can be big as well.

Number one is disaccharides.

Often times although for certain proteins such as gluten, I know its fine not as much of a problem in IBS.

But it can be, so again, digestive enzymes can support the breakdown of those things as well. So I'm going to talk about broth here, one of my absolutely favorite superfoods.

And listen, broth can include chicken broth, it can be beef broth. I know that you and I, Jordan, love mushroom broth. Jordan:Yeah.

Josh:We call it “shroom broth.” So many benefits.

Chaga, you know, we've talked about that as well. So again. we love broth, and the reason why broth is so beneficial, let's talk about chicken broth.

Chicken broth contains type 2 collagen which specifically can be used as a repair substance by the body for your joints and your cartilage, also for your gut lining. You know, Jordan,

I've written a book called “Eat Dirt” and written several articles on leaky gut syndrome.

And leaky gut and IBS can absolutely be connected and correlated in certain instances.

But I love broth because it's one of the best foods for supporting the repair of the digestive lining.

And it's one of the easiest things for your body to absorb and digest. And, Jordan, I think.

I know one of the things that you and I have both taught over the years is having people do a broth cleanse and really just focus on getting broth in their diet.

This also is part of Chinese medicine.

They call it “one pot”, where you're putting in things like chicken, chicken broth, then lots of veggies, and ginger root as part of a soup.

I think it is the perfect meal for anybody suffering with IBS is doing a chicken soup. Jordan:Absolutely. Josh:On a regular basis. Jordan:Now broth would seem to be the opposite of raw juice but it's really very similar. Broth has colloids, hydrophilic colloids in a similar fashion that juice does.

I can tell you, if you have IBS, particularly the loose bowel kind or the spastic kind, raw juice is no good.

I mean, it typically will cause loose bowels.

Broth is amazing.

Veggie broth is good.

Josh:Oh yeah.

Jordan:Miso, just putting miso, which is fermented soy bean paste, in warm water. The warming itself helps to soothe in general.

So, broth is really, really amazing. And the number one, and I don’t want to say number one because it’s the number one way to heal IBS but it’s the number, I would say, common denominator in all people that have IBS, and that is stress.

Josh:I mean, I can tell you right now, Jordan, and myself and working with a lot of patients, that stress can affect or cause a trigger irritable bowel syndrome just as much as if somebody went out and ate some disaccharides they shouldn't or some gluten or something else where they'll notice a reaction.

We know emotional stress absolutely wreaks havoc on the digestive system. And some of the tips that I'm going to talk about then, Jordan, I'll pass it to you and you can talk about your top tips in reducing stress.

You know, Jordan, one of the things that I've done for years and taught patients to do is start off every morning the right way with a spiritual triathlon.

I believe it's a great way to reduce stress, spending the first five minutes every morning saying everything you're grateful for. But that's really the way that I love to start my day is five minutes of praise and what I'm grateful for.

Whether it's just you start saying what you’re grateful, you start praising God for everything you've been given, it's a great way. The next five minutes, I like to read a devotional or something that really supports growth.

And so really reading something that's very positive in nature, and then the next five minutes I'll spend either in prayer or meditation and visualization.

Really being outward in prayer or just sort of visualizing and meditating on what I learned. I found for me, when I start off every morning like that with that spiritual triathlon, it changes the rest of my day, it relieves stress.

So I love doing that. I love getting out in nature. I think too many of us today are stuck inside. There's something about walking on the beach, there's something about walking out in the woods or grass that is just freeing to the body as well.

And last but not least I mentioned this with essential oils earlier, taking a healing bath at night, some Epsom salts, some essential oils, soaking in the bath is big.

And I want to talk to those moms out there, Jordan, I know, and some dads but especially moms, especially you get almost zero you time.

If you're a mom right now, and you know that you need more you time, can you get an Amen if it's like, hey, kids at soccer practice and you're rushing around, and maybe you're even working part-time or full-time.

Or you're just…your schedule is packed. When was the last time you had three hours or a half a day completely to yourself ? Jordan:He's only asking because we're going to do a three-hour program to take the time up if you have it but…

Josh:So exactly.

So I just think that one of the best things you can do is schedule in you know, biblically a Sabbath or just time to rest. Maybe it's just two or three hours a week, and you're doing lunch with a best friend.

Maybe my mom goes and walks around the mall, or exercise, or some sort of class but scheduling time for you, I think, it's an important way to reduce stress as well.

Jordan:It is and there’s several additional areas.

Josh mentioned going outside. Walking barefoot in the grass, or on the sand of the beach is great. Exercise is important, mini-trampoline is a great way.

But exercise is great for stress, really, really important. Massage, deep breathing is really good for stress.

Let me, let me give a shout out.

I'm not going to do this every program, I promise, but my children and my wife are hopefully watching today. But I want to illustrate a point.

Yesterday I got home and my kids were telling me about our program yesterday and how they were taking notes and they are using our Ancient Medicine Today program as their nutrition or even part of their science curriculum. And you know what I love about it?

It reinforces why I give them things.

Because then if they say, “Dad why are you making me eat whatever?” Oh, you remember on the TV, they hook it, the computer up to the TV and anything on TV is the truth for kids.

You know what I mean, but moms, get your kids to watch.

You would be so surprised if you think your kids are resistant to eating the way that you want them to eat to this lifestyle. When they own it, when they take internalize it, it becomes amazing.

It says in Proverbs train a child in the way they should go and when they're old they will not depart from it.

So make this a family affair. So many of you are enjoying these programs. Tell a friend, share this message because I guarantee if you made a list, you know half a dozen people if not more that have IBS and others that are not telling you they do because let's face it, it's a hidden disease.

Years ago, people didn't want to talk about this. It was not okay to talk about your guts. It was, “He has a lot of stomachaches, he has nervous stomach, he has failure to thrive, and he’s weak and sick.”

There is an answer to IBS, gas, bloating, diverticulitis, celiac disease, and the list goes on and on chronic constipation, c-diff, SIBO, a lot of names, one cause and we want to get to the bottom of it.

Josh:What do you think about protein shakes for IBS?

Jordan:Here's the issue, protein is typically isolated.

So I believe that if you're suffering from IBS and you're consuming a protein with pea or rice protein, I just don't feel good about that.

Now probably the only protein that I would recommend of the plant variety would be hemp, but even that can be a little rough because of the way that it's processed, but it is pretty good.

Egg, dairy, is not my favorite. So when it comes to protein you’ve got to be very careful to consume a real food protein powder when you've got gut sensitivity.

Look for one that is gut friendly. But for many people, stick to food, or a real food protein, and there's not too many of them. Josh:Hi, Dr. Axe here. I want to say thanks so much for checking out this YouTube video and also don't forget to subscribe if you want to get more great content on things like herbs, essential oils, natural remedies, and how to use food as medicine.


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