Tag Archives for " nutritionist "

October 5, 2018

Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet buzz started years back and it took the world by storm – it managed to change the way people looked at eating and dieting. Becoming healthy can be a struggle and it can also be costly and that’s why people looked for quick and easy ways to get healthy.

The Paleo diet appealed and still appeals to millions of people because basically, it’s not really a diet, it’s a lifestyle of eating that the first Paleolithic people on earth used to eat – the way nature intended.

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September 28, 2018

What is body composition

Your body is made up of mostly water. According to the four component model, a person's body breaks down into water, protein, minerals, and fat. Nobody can have zero percent body fat. 

So why is all of this important?

It's important because there's more to your body than just losing or gaining weight.

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