Tag Archives for " Weight "

October 16, 2018

Intermittent therapeutic fasting regimen for health and longevity

Therapeutic fasting is defined as the controlled and voluntary abstinence from all calorie-containing food and drinks for a specified period.  

Fasting itself has been practiced for thousands of years and even referenced throughout the Bible, for spiritual insights and overall health. Ramaḍān, in Islam being the ninth month of the Muslim calendar and the holy month of fasting. (Journal of Insulin Resistance 2017)

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September 28, 2018

What is body composition

Your body is made up of mostly water. According to the four component model, a person's body breaks down into water, protein, minerals, and fat. Nobody can have zero percent body fat. 

So why is all of this important?

It's important because there's more to your body than just losing or gaining weight.

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