October 16, 2018

Intermittent therapeutic fasting regimen for health and longevity

Therapeutic fasting is defined as the controlled and voluntary abstinence from all calorie-containing food and drinks for a specified period.  

Fasting itself has been practiced for thousands of years and even referenced throughout the Bible, for spiritual insights and overall health. Ramaḍān, in Islam being the ninth month of the Muslim calendar and the holy month of fasting. (Journal of Insulin Resistance 2017)


You will also find reference to fasting in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. 

We know that fasting was recommended by Hippocrates and Galen, the fathers of Western medicine on the many benefits of fasting. 

One of the biggest reasons it is used today is to support detoxification of your organs and aids weight loss.

A diet where you mix intermittent fasting with a ketogenic diet for 30 days, marrying those two diets together is the fastest way to burn fat and lose weight you could ever imagine.

Other benefits are longevity, as we age, our human growth hormone declines and therefore you'll see a lot of men with low testosterone hormone levels are proportional to their with age.  When women start to age faster and enter menopause, they get brittle bone, their human growth hormone and oestrogen are lower. 

Naturally having more human growth hormone tends to mean you're younger and more vibrant, with extra energy. But again, if Human Growth Factor is low, that starts leaning toward sickness and disease and many of us will live longer but in poor health.

If you want to boost the human growth hormone (HGH) in your own body and keep it high, one of the best ways to do that: intermittent fasting. You know, also if you were working out on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, boost your human growth hormone by sometimes more than a 1000% can it could go sky high.

So again, one of the biggest ways you can increase human growth hormone is by intermittent fasting and coupling it with heavy weight training.

When it comes to the ever popular and important topic of longevity. Everybody wants to grow older with a body that still looks fit and healthy, with less wrinkles on the face, a mind that is still sharp, and a heart bursting with happiness and serenity. New studies proclaiming that it isn’t only about what you eat, but when you eat it that is of paramount importance to consider.

Many people eat around the clock and always waiting for their next meal in the 17 hours that they have available to them when they are not sleeping.  

Today, we can’t escape food; there are plentiful television shows about food, we step into the kitchen and our refrigerators and microwaves are ready to deal with our meals.

Out on the street, there are drive-thru takeaway places and if that is not enough, just pick up the phone and dial in for your regular hamburger, chips, and pizzas delivery. 

Processed foods are pretty addictive too, designed so that you overeat.

Before all of that, however, our ancestors used to go for long stretches of time without food, maybe even days.

Within these breaks of being without food, important things were happening in their bodies. Insulin levels would drop, making their stored body fat much more accessible for usage. The human growth hormones would go up too, enabling them to burn fat and to build strong lean muscle.

Any damaged cell material would be shed faster (today this is called autophagy).

Therapeutic fasting in modern times

  • Today, therapeutic fasting is very popular dietary strategy. It is used to rid us of excess weight, to treat disease, and to prevent ill health. It was very popular also in the 19th century as part of the “Natural Hygiene Movement” in the USA. Dr. Herbert Shelton was a pioneer of fasting. He opened his Dr. Shelton’s Health school back in 1928 in Texas. He is noted to have helped 40,000 patients to recover their health with water fasts.
  • Dr. Ilona Sovenyhazi has a fasting retreat in Hungary where she offers people to come and heal and to rejuvenate. Her own conclusion from the results of her work at her fasting clinic proves that we all can acquire fuller health through simple and guided fasting regimes. She proves that fasting is an effective means of restoring longevity and youthfulness. We can achieve getting all our body parts working together again to the 100% level. She proves at her clinic that fasting is OK to do, that it is beneficial even to miss on out several meals and that nothing terrible happens when you don’t eat when you are hungry.
  • Toxic overload is causing us humans not to get better and we must resolve this – and the biggest aid to help us is with fasting; regular fasting. Fasting gives the body the chance to cleanse itself and to get back on track. It is an opportunity to get back in touch with your physical and mental self.

Fasting helps prevent disease and regenerates the body.

  • Fasting is used to treat many medical ailments such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, digestion problems, headaches, allergies – just about everything. Fasting is coming into its own again today, and in Germany, therapeutic fasting is still very popular today, as is Hungary, as mentioned above. In Europe, it just continues to grow in popularity, especially when it comes to managing obesity. Intermittent fasting is very popular today particularly in countries like the UK - millions try out the 5:2 diet.
  • Over in Russia, there is a huge archive created by the psychiatrist Dr. Yuri Nikolayev. He used fasting, his “hunger cure’’ to treat a whole range of mental disorders, which were found to be effective in 70% of his patients with schizophrenia.
  • It is suggested today that if you can achieve a one day fast two times a year, like one in springtime and one in autumn time; days when you just rest and drink water; you will be able to detoxify your body.
  • A famous fasting clinic is the renowned Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinic in Germany, where Francoise Wilhelmi de Toledo is an authority on therapeutic fasting. As medical director, she is an authority on therapeutic fasting and the role it plays in diseases like cancer, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. She says that fasting is likened to a “’reset’’ button which returns the body to the original factory settings. Awesome!
  • Wilhelmi de Toledo also claims that 'Human beings are not programmed for abundance,’’ they are programmed for loss.  Fasting is a given ability human have when we eat more than is needed. Our early ancestors built up fat reserves as well as surplus vitamins and minerals in the autumn and summer months. In the winter and spring months, when food was reduced, they would endure fasting times. During these times of fasting, their metabolism would switch from being fed from external resources to taking from the internal fat reserves.
  • Type 2 diabetes is a disease that is known that can be cured thought fasting says Dr. de Toledo. There are plenty of industries that sell all the devices and drugs for diabetes, a multi-billion-brand business. But they overlook the cheap, but highly effective success story of fasting because there is no return on the investment. Dr. de Toledo says that when she was 17, she started her first fast because she wanted to lose weight. She says it opened her eyes to how '’buoyant and sometimes euphoric’’ she felt while she was fasting. She went on to do another fast although this time under medical supervision at the Buchinger-Wilhelmi Clinic where she met and married her husband, the grandson of the famous Dr. Buchinger.
  • Which brings us to another exciting case of fasting
  • Getting back to Dr. Buchinger; he was a doctor in the German Imperial Navy, and during this time, contracted rheumatic fever at the age of 39. In 1917, he was discharged because he was permanently disabled. He went on a 19-day water fast and restored the full use of his joints. From that time on right up to his death at age 89, he dedicated himself to researching the wonders of fasting, later laying the foundations for his clinic which was opened in 1953.
  • Some go there for help with very serious health problems while others stream there for weight loss. Some go there to for their stress and to receive from the '’spiritual dimension of fasting’’ which Dr. de Toledo says is one amazing side effect. Each visitor to the clinic goes home, educated on how to return to their normal routines when back home – it is to an improved diet and an improved lifestyle, which is crucial for the program.
Humans don’t use the ability to fast anymore
  • When there are no carbohydrates being used as the energy source for our cells, fatty acids are broken down in the liver. Molecules called ketone bodies are produced in the liver. These ketones are manufactured by the liver as important fuel for the brain so that it is not starved due to a low-carbohydrate diet.
  • We humans still have retained the ability to fast and to exist on a ketogenic type diet, but we hardly make use of fasting anymore in the affluent Western World because being short of food is not that well known in the Western World. But neither is there much incentive to really research fasting and to investigate its benefits, even though there is preliminary evidence that it does help with numerous diseases.
  • A study that was published just a while ago concludes that just 3 days of fasting can rejuvenate the immune system and trigger the production of new white blood cells. Further studies go on to show that fasting enables healthy cells to endure the toxicity of chemotherapy and which kill off cancer cells more rapidly.
  • Today, it appears as if wellness and healthy ways are no longer the accepted. There is an opioid epidemic sweeping across the country and life expectancy is dropping because chronic diseases are now rampant. A health revolution is urgently required.

What is intermittent fasting (IF)?

With so much advice being bombarded our way today, the easiest diet by far is simply just not eating!  Fasting isn’t starving yourself though, which is what so many misinformed people believe it is.

Fasting isn’t dieting either.

In fact, go and look in the Bible to see how many times spiritual fasting occurs. But the actual definition of fasting is to “abstain from food and drink from a certain period of time”. In place of your three meals a day, you eat a couple of smaller meals a day plus some snacks in a window period of 12 hours, eating whatever you want, but in moderation.

If you are going to concentrate on processed foods and takeaways, you aren’t going to reap many benefits. If you are seriously considering fasting, examine your diet first. Seriously stick to foods like fruit and vegetables, healthy fats, lean proteins, raw dairy. 

12:12 Intermittent fasting prevents hunger from creeping up more so than dieting does. It tends to sustain you more as a lifestyle, just because it is not so isolating. You need to sleep at least 8 hours because sleep helps towards health problems. There are 4 hours when you don’t eat anything. It is advised not to eat about 2 hours before you go to bed.

There are different types of fasting methods too: 

- you decide which one suits you best.

Want some ideas on how to fast?

Which type are you going to follow?

It is recommended that you try the time-restricted fast, where you start with 12 hours of fasting. If you feel good about that, you can then increase it to 14 hours and go to 18 hours. It is not recommended you go beyond that. If you have fasted before, you might want to try alternate day fasting.

Set your goals

Why do you want to fast? Is it to lose weight, to feel better, have extra energy? Write it down so you can get motivated when you see your goals.

Know what you will eat and stock up

Before starting your fast, you need to decide what you will eat, because when you plan, you take the pressure off, especially because you are not following this dietary strategy, you cannot eat anything. As you become used to the fasting, you will get motivated and not find it so necessary to sort your meals out beforehand. Have a range of healthy foods stocked up in your fridge.

What is your body telling you?

Fasting takes time to get used to, because you are shedding some old habits - maybe learning new good ones. But hear what your body is saying. If you are in the tenth hour of your 16-hour fast for instance and feel desperate for a snack, then have it. And if your fasting time is up and you’re not hungry, then wait till you are.

That’s not ruining your fast. Remember if you are an athlete and doing intense training you need to speak to your doctor or coach about fasting because it might not be the right time for you. Generally, one can exercise whilst fasting, especially as you might find you have more energy, but sometimes low-calorie diets make you feel a bit sluggish too, then gentle yoga will be good for you, or a walk.

There are great benefits to fasting!

You will surely lose weight

Studies do support fasting as a superb way to lose weight. One such study found that the alternate day fasting could trim your body up to 7%, slashing body fat by up to 12 pounds. Even fasting irregularly can help you lose belly fat and weight.

The human growth hormone secretion is promoted through fasting

The human growth hormone, or HGH, is produced naturally in the body. Fasting unleashes the great anti-aging properties of HGH, and when you are an athlete, you might notice even greater benefits, treating obesity and building muscle mass which is important for burning fat and increasing muscle strength. Fasting is noted to have positive effects on the body, period. But it improves body mass too in professional athletes. Fasting optimizes muscle growth because of the human growth hormone being produced. Fasting is advised for training days, and eating is encouraged on the game days.

Normalize your insulin sensitivity through fasting

If you give your body too many sugar and carbs, you can become insulin resistant, and this can pave the way for a lot of chronic diseases, which one can be type 2 diabetes. You must keep your body insulin sensitive and fasting can do this Studies reveal that intermittent fasting is just as effective as caloric restriction in reducing unwanted visceral fat mass and insulin resistance. If you have problems with pre-diabetes or are insulin sensitive, fasting can normalize that.

Fasting lowers triglyceride levels

By consuming bad cholesterol, your triglyceride levels can go up and if this happens, you increase your risk of heart disease. Intermittent fasting can lower your bad cholesterol levels because it decreases the triglycerides in the process. Fasting also doesn’t seem to affect the good cholesterol in the body.

Feel younger

You lose weight when you fast, you have more energy, and you feel younger.

It rejuvenates even the old

Just 3 days of fasting can regenerate your entire immune system, and that includes the elderly – so say scientists who describe the latest findings on fasting as "remarkable".

The new research suggests that when the body is starved, in defense, it kick-starts stem cells to produce fresh white blood cells which fight infection. It highly benefits those who suffer from damaged immune systems, like cancer patients on chemotherapy.

Another positive fasting story 

  • A 27-year-old Scotsman Angus Barbieri fasted for 382 days. A year prior to that he had entered the University Department of Medicine at the Royal Infirmary of Dundee, Scotland, looking for treatment for his excessive weight. He weighed 456 pounds and was considered grossly obese. It was planned that he would start with a short fast just to drop weight initially.
  • But as days rolled into weeks Barbieri wanted to continue his program and reach his ideal weight of 180 pounds. So, he kept going with fasting, surprising even his doctors, living at home during his fast and coming back to the hospital for his checkups and occasional overnight stays. He had regular blood tests which showed to his doctors that he was extremely hypoglycemic.
  • He did take some vitamins on a few occasions which did include sodium and potassium supplements. And he allowed himself tea, coffee, and sparkling water. He drank them calorie-free. He did say that every now and again he would add some sugar and milk, especially towards the end of his fasting.
  • At the end of his fasting ordeal, he tipped the scales at 180 and his doctor said: "This is one of the most remarkable cases of voluntary weight reduction I have ever heard of".
  • 5 years later, Angus Barbieri has kept the weight off and weighs in at 196 pounds.


Transformation through being deprived is an ancient concept as mentioned above. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert with no food; Gandhi went on 17 hunger strikes, and Barbieri's fast is thought to be among the longest ever completed, all for the sake of physical health.

What a heap of appealing benefits fasting could bring – yet in saying that, it is not for all. Those who suffer from diabetes and hypoglycemia should probably not fast until their glucose levels and insulin levels are normalized.

Breastfeeding and pregnant woman should also not fast, as it could have negative effects on the baby. Discuss it with your doctor if you are on certain medications. But for the rest of us, intermittent fasting can be a most helpful tool to manage weight and longevity.

Today, scientists are discovering just how much we really do benefit from fasting. A very strict fast is not even necessary to benefit from the genetic instructions from God in Biblical times. 2-4 days of fasting, say every 30 days is enough to trigger your longevity code.

Fasting is having its moment now, as research looks for ways to battle against aging and chronic diseases but isn't just about aging but sorting out and balancing hormones levels to give better health and reduce disability in the future. They are realizing that most of the promising interventions so far are connected to this very ancient and simple practice – that of fasting.

If you should consider this method for either weight loss, health or longevity, and you have had a previous health problem in the past or currently have one now, it would be advisable to discuss this with your GP and  / or ask to be referred to a nutritionist that can oversee your progress and give further support and advice at the start.

The information within this article with the various links will enable you to get further knowledge to participate within a discussion with your medical provider or use to adjust or plan your own lifestyle and health for the future.

Three of the most influential human beings in the history of the world all agreed on one thing...

This is the most powerful, natural healing solution ever.

One that's been used by all cultures all over the world and one that's virtually forgotten today.

What am I talking about?


What is fasting?

I can feel your eyes rolling in your head right now.

I get this reaction all the time.

You're going to starve people?

That's your solution?

No, that's not my solution.

Fasting is not the same as starvation.

Fasting is the controlled voluntary abstinence of food for different reasons.

You can do it for spiritual reasons, you can do it for health reasons, you can do it as a political protest... any reason.

It is still called fasting.

It's not the same as starvation.

In fact, if you look back through all of recorded human history people have always fasted.

We can start with Hippocrates who is considered the father of modern medicine.

He famously said, "Our food should be our medicine, our medicine should be our food."

But to eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness.

What is he talking about is this idea that we have a fasting instinct, that this is something that we instinctually do.

Think about when you get sick. When you have a cold, when you have a flu, whatever.

The last thing you're thinking about is eating at a big buffet.

It's something that naturally comes to us, our bodies are designed to fast.

They're designed to store food in times of availability and during times of scarcity to release it.

And that's just what comes naturally to us and it's not just us, but all animals have the same ability.

So is not something unnatural, is not something that we're just trying to force on our bodies.

This is something natural and good.

Other people that liked fasting include Benjamin Franklin, who was world-renowned as one of the smartest men who had ever lived.

What he said was very wise indeed.

He said the best of all medicines are resting and fasting.

Now that's very profound!

Think about that for a second.

Resting, which is freedom from stress, relaxation and fasting which is designed to cleanse the system, which is what used to be called the cleanser or purification.

Well, those are the two best medicines.

Not drugs, not surgery.

Resting and fasting.

Amazing! Mahatma Gandhi also said a genuine fast cleanses the body, mind and soul.

Jesus Christ said Satan and his plagues may be cast out only by fasting and prayers.

So if you look at the Christian faith you can see that there are many, many prescribed periods of fasting all throughout the year.

Yes, there are going to be times when you are going to be feasting or when you're going to be celebrating, and that's balance. But these periods when you're fasting to cleanse the body, to cleanse the soul.

Buddhist monks also do the same sort of thing, but they do that on a daily basis. Very typically they'll fast from noon until sunrise the next day.

So every day there's a very prolonged period of fasting.

In addition to that they also have periods through the year when they'll only have water-only fast and that will help them cleanse themselves for the year.

The Muslim faith has also very profound believers in fasting.

The prophet Mohammed said fasting brings us to the door of his palace.

Many people have heard of the holy month of Ramadan.

During that period Muslims would fast from sunup until sundown every day for an entire month.

All of these religions did not prescribe fasting to their believers because they wanted to harm them.

In fact that's something that's deeply intrinsically beneficial and we know this from the science that there's so many benefits.

Benefits for weight loss, benefits for insuline sensitivity, and type II diabetes, for heart disease, for cancer, for liver disease, and also just to feel better, for mental clarity.

There's so many amazing benefits. Everybody's always worried about fasting.

They're always worried, "Well can I really do it?"

Well, think about this for a second. Consider all these religions, Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, Mormons, all of these people...

All of these people are fasting on regular basis every year for their entire adult lives.

So can you do it?

Well, millions and millions and millions of people do it.

There's no reason why you can't do it.

So there's lots of people who will tell you not to fast.


Well, this guy, Ronald McDonald,

he doesn't want you to fast.

And this happy little mermaid, she doesn't want you to fast.

They're not going to make any money.


They need you to eat.

There's profits, shareholders, right?

In the end you really got ask yourself when it comes to your health, to your well-being,

who are you going to trust?


  • […] usually happens when people are fasting, do a lot of exercises, starve themselves or when they are on a low carb diet, such as the […]

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